SPLIT  劈裂剖/判

        • CHANGEEVENT involving two MOMENTS t1 and t2, such that a THING at the MOMENT t1 is DIFFERENT FROM that THING at the MOMENT t2....
Old Chinese Criteria
1. The most general word referring to the action of splitting things into several parts is pǒu 剖, and when the dividing is distinctly into two parts the current word is pàn 判 (ant.** bìng 併 "fit together").

2. Pī 劈 / 辟 as well as the archaic s � 1 斯 refer to a violent act of cleaving or hacking to pieces.

3. Liè 裂 refers to any process which results in the cleaving of an object and focusses on that result rather than the process itself.

4.. Pī 披 is to split open without necessarily dividing the object of splitting into two separate parts.

5. Xī 析 is a mild act of dividing a thing, typically into its proper constituent parts, or separating off constituent parts (often for analysis).

Modern Chinese Criteria









rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

  • A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages ( BUCK 1988) p. 9.27

Attributions by syntactic funtion

  • vtoN : 30
  • vi : 8
  • VPtoN : 5
  • VPt(oN) : 1

Attributions by text

  • 韓非子 : 8
  • 淮南子 : 7
  • 賢愚經 : 5
  • 莊子 : 3
  • 墨子 : 2
  • 春秋左傳 : 2
  • 禮記 : 2
  • 論衡 : 2
  • 管子 : 2
  • 戰國策 : 2
  • 史記 : 1
  • 毛詩 : 1
  • 孫子 : 1
  • 論語 : 1
  • 呂氏春秋 : 1
  • 百喻經 : 1
  • 法言 : 1
  • 楚辭 : 1
  • 古列女傳 : 1


  pōu OC: phɯʔ MC: phu 15 AttributionsWD

The most general word referring to the action of splitting things into several parts is pǒu 剖, and when the dividing is distinctly into two parts the current word is pàn 判 (ant.** bìng 併 "fit together").

    Word relations
  • Object: 心/HEART The standard word for the physiological organ known as the heart in English is xīn 心.
  • Assoc: 判/SPLIT The most general word referring to the action of splitting things into several parts is pǒu 剖, and when the dividing is distinctly into two parts the current word is pàn 判 (ant.** bìng 併 "fit together").

    Syntactic words
  • viactget split, split apart
  • vtoNsplit; cut open (a heart etc); have cut open (one's back)
  • vtoNmiddle voicehave (one's heart etc) cut open
  • vtoNpassivebe split
  xī OC: seeɡ MC: sek 5 AttributionsWD

Xī 析 is a mild act of dividing a thing, typically into its proper constituent parts, or separating off constituent parts (often for analysis).

    Syntactic words
  • vtoNcut into parts; cut into proper parts
  chè OC: khrlaaɡ MC: ʈhɣaŋ 4 AttributionsWD
    Syntactic words
  • vito crack; to split
  pàn OC: phaans MC: phʷɑn 3 AttributionsWD

The most general word referring to the action of splitting things into several parts is pǒu 剖, and when the dividing is distinctly into two parts the current word is pàn 判 (ant.** bìng 併 "fit together").

    Word relations
  • Assoc: 剖/SPLIT The most general word referring to the action of splitting things into several parts is pǒu 剖, and when the dividing is distinctly into two parts the current word is pàn 判 (ant.** bìng 併 "fit together").

    Syntactic words
  • vtoNsplit in two
  • vtoNpassivebe split in two
  pī OC: phral MC: phiɛ 3 AttributionsWD

Pī 披 is to split open without necessarily dividing the object of splitting into two separate parts.

    Syntactic words
  • viconativeto split open without necessarily dividing the object of splitting into two separate parts.
  • vtoNforce open
  • vtoNfigurativeforce open (mountains to create roads)CH
  fēn OC: pɯn MC: pi̯un 2 AttributionsWD
    Syntactic words
  • vtoNsplit
分裂  fēn liè OC: pɯn b-red MC: pi̯un liɛt 2 AttributionsWD
    Syntactic words
  • VPtoNtear assunder; split up
  • VPtoNfigurativedivide so as to definitively split up completely> sow dissent among
  xuè MC: xwet OC: qhʷeedCH 2 AttributionsWD
    Syntactic words
  • vtoNsplit; separateCH
  • vtoNfigurativebreak apartCH
  pì OC: phɯɡ MC: phɨk 1 AttributionWD
    Syntactic words
  • vtoNcleave, divide (SHI)
  sī OC: sqe MC: siɛ 1 AttributionWD

Pī 劈/辟 as well as the archaic sī 斯 refer to a violent act of cleaving or hacking to pieces.

    Syntactic words
  • vtoNsplit with an axe
  • vtoNfigurativeseparate out
  pàn OC: phaans MC: phʷɑn 1 AttributionWD
    Syntactic words
  • vibe split into 2 pieces
  liè OC: b-red MC: liɛt 1 AttributionWD

Liè 裂 refers to any process which results in the cleaving of an object and focusses on that result rather than the process itself.

    Syntactic words
  • vtoNmiddle voiceget cracked or split
  • vtoNperfectivesplit
分壞  fēn huài OC: pɯn ɡruuls MC: pi̯un ɦɣɛi 1 AttributionWD
    Syntactic words
  • VPt(oN)smash to pieces
  • VPtoNsmash to pieces
分崩  fēn bēng OC: pɯn pɯɯŋ MC: pi̯un pəŋ 1 AttributionWD
    Syntactic words
  • VPtoNget split up and disintegrate
斬析  zhǎn xī OC: tsreemʔ seeɡ MC: ʈʂɣɛm sek 1 AttributionWD
    Syntactic words
  • VPt(oN)split the contextually determinate N
  • VPtoNsplit
決破  jué pò OC: kʷeed phaals MC: ket phʷɑ 1 AttributionWD
    Syntactic words
  • VPtoNresultativesplit open
  pī OC: pheeɡ MC: phek
劈辟  Click here to add pinyin OC:  MC: 0 AttributionsWD

Pī 劈/辟 as well as the archaic sī 斯 refer to a violent act of cleaving or hacking to pieces.

    Syntactic words
  • vtoNperfectivehack into pieces in a violent motion (in pre-Han times the word is usually written without the knife radical)
  chāi OC: khrlaaɡ MC: ʈhɣaŋ 0 AttributionsWD

    Word relations
  • Synon: 分/DIVIDE The most current general word for physically diving things into separate parts is fēn 分 (ant. yī 一 "treat as one undivided whole, to unite") and this word may refer to destroying the unity of what is being divided.

    Syntactic words
  • vtoNsplit

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