Taxonomy of meanings for 控:  

  • 控 kòng (OC: khooŋs MC: kʰuŋ) 苦貢切 去 廣韻:【引也告也苦貢切六 】
    • ACCUSE
      • vt[oN]make accusations against others
      • vtoNraise a legal accusation and complaints against (typically a higher authority)
      • vtoNpassivehave legal accusations raised against one
    • FALL
      • vt+prep+Nfall onto N
      • vtoNfall down on
      • vt+prep+Ngo and announce to???
    • PULL
      • vtoNpull (strings of a bow or a weapon)
      • vtoNrestrain (horses); rein in
      • vtoNpassivebe controlled and constrained by force
      • vtoNfigurativecontrol intellectuallyCH
      • BEND
        • ARRIVE
          • POUR
            • HANG
            • 控 qiāng (OC: khrooŋ MC: kʰɯɔŋ) 苦江切 平 廣韻:【打也又苦貢切 】
              • STRIKE
                • vtoNstrike

              Additional information about 控

              說文解字: 【控】,引也。从手、空聲。《詩》曰:控于大邦。匈奴名引弓控弦。 【苦貢切】

              • ACCUSE







                1. The most current general word for accusing someone of something with either good or evil intent is zé 責.

                [GENERAL], [NEUTRAL]

                2. Sù 訴 refers to an informal accusation from the party that maintains it has suffered injustice, and this word became current in Han times.

                [INFORMAL], [MALEVOLENT]

                3. Zuì 罪 typically refers to a superior or king raising criminal charges against someone under his jurisdiction, but occasionally the word is used in an extended way to refer to strong criticism offered by anyone with authority.

                [DESCENDING], [NEUTRAL], [OFFICIAL]

                4. Hé 劾 refers to formal impeachment and the starting of formal criminal proceedings against a culprit, and the accuser in this case tends to be a person of some social standing, normally of high bureaucratic status; in Han times hé 劾 refers to the passing judgment after such a formal procedure.


                5. Qiǎn 譴 refers to formal more or less serious accusations against officials raised by anyone, including ordinary persons.

                [ASCENDING], [INTENSE], [OFFICIAL]

                6. Wū 誣 is occasionally used for making false formal accusations against some person, and the word may even refer to false self-incrimination.

                [FALSE], [INFORMAL], [MALEVOLENT]

                7. Zèn 譖 refers generally to slanderous attacks, and sometimes - imperceptibly - the word can refer to something more like slanderous accusations. But the distinctions always seems to remain unclear. See SLANDER.

                [FALSE], [INFORMAL], [MALEVOLENT]

                8. Kòng 控 occasionally refers to a formal complaint directed against the authorities.

                [ASCENDING], [OFFICIAL]

                9. Ga4o 告 commonly refers to the making of public complaints and accusations.

              • RESTRAIN

                1. The current general word for restraining something or someone is yuē 約 (ant. zòng 縱 "give free rein to").

                2. Jié 節 (ant. sì 肆 "be unrestrained") always refers to abstract restraint and moderation, typically the restraint is directed towards oneself.

                3. Jū 拘 (ant. dàng 蕩 "be completely free") and shù 束 refer to being confined or constrained by external circumstances.

                4. Lè 勒 and kòng 控 (all ant. fàng 放 "set free") refer to a vigorous act of restraining someone or something by force.

                5. Jī 羈 (ant. tuō 脫 "let loose") and yǐn 引 refer specifically to the reining in of horses by the use of a bridle, but the word also has generalised uses where it refers to restraint of other creatures.

                Word relations
              • Assoc: (ACCUSE)告/COMPLAIN Gào 告 refers to an inferior complaining to a superior.