Taxonomy of meanings for 吉:  

  • 吉 jí (OC: kid MC: kit) 居質切 入 廣韻:【吉利又姓出馮翊尹吉甫之後漢有漢中太守吉恪居質切八 】
      • nabevent(Heaven-sent) auspicious events or good fortune
      • nabstativeauspiciousness (or otherwise)
      • vadNSHI 252: excellent (officers) SHI 23: fine, excellent (officer, enticing a woman); SHI 80: auspicious (day); YI: auspicious; LIJI 9.90 and LAO 31: auspicious (i.e. festive, business)
      • vibe auspicious; be lucky; bode well
      • viprocessturn out auspiciously
      • vi0there will be good fortuneCH
      • v[adN]what is auspicious, something auspiciousCH
      • vadNfine, excellent, promising
    • GOOD
      • vadVbe morally commendable
    • HAPPY
      • nabgood fortune in the form of happiness
      • vibe happy by good fortune
      • nauspicious line in a trigram
    • LUCK
      • nabeventgood luck; lucky outcome
      • vibe in good luck; turn out lucky
      • vi0there will be good fortune ???

    Additional information about 吉

    說文解字: 【吉】,善也。从士、口。 【居質切】

    • WICKED

      1. The most current and general word for wickedness is probably è 惡 (ant. shàn 善 "good"), but it must be noted that in early texts the word is more current in the meaning of physical ugliness.

      2. Xié 邪 (ant. zhèng 正 "straight and in no way wicked") typically involves nuances of sinister evil influences in addition to plain human depravity.

      3. Suì 祟 (ant. xiáng 祥 "of the good innocuous kind") refers to sinister supernatural wicked forces operating in the human world.

      4. Yāo 妖 (ant. jí 吉 "of a generally auspicious nature") typically implies nuances of seductive or beguiling qualities coexisting with wickedness.

      5. Jiān 姦 (ant. liáng 良 "of the good sort, decent") refers to sheer human depravity with no supernatural or sinister overtones.

      6. Chǒu 醜 (ant. měi 美 "of commendable moral quality") often refers to something rather like moral ugliness and depravity in early texts, but from Han times onwards the word comes to refer to physical ugliness].

      7. Qū 曲 (ant. duān 端 "straight and unwarped") refers to warped crookedness and lack of moral straightness.

      8. Wú 污 (ant. jié 潔 "morally pure and spotless") refers to moral defilement or moral impurity.

      9. Liè 劣 (ant. ) refers to moral inferiority as opposed to excellence.

      10. Pì 僻 (ant. ) refers to

      11. Jiāo 姣 refers to wickedness coupled with cunning, scheming and malice.

      12. Xiǎn 險 is occasionally used to refer to the type of wickedness that is a danger to the group or the state.

      13. Wāi 歪 (ant. zhí 直 "morally straight") refers to wickedness under the image of moral warpedness and and deviation from a straight proper norm.

      14. Xiōng 凶 refers to a baneful wickedness that bodes ill for the future.

      15. Chǐ 恥 refers to something that is a public disgrace. See SHAME.





      1. The general term is jí 吉 (ant. xiōng 凶 "inauspicious") and refers to any natural phenomenon or supposed supernatural response that is of good omen, in an everyday almost secular way.


      2. Xiáng 祥 tends to refer to the auspiciousness of human actions, but in its nominal usages it came to be used more generally for all tings that bode well or ill.


      3. The archaising and elevated, mostly nominal, ruì 瑞 has specific religious connotations with rituals and the Will of Heaven.


      NB: Xìng 幸 (ant. bù xìng 不幸 "unfortunate") is purely "secular", and often coincidental, good luck with no metaphysical or religious significance being attached to the term. See LUCKY

    • DREAM

      1. The current standard word for a dream is mèng 夢.

      2. Xiōng mèng 凶夢 refers to a nightmare.

      ZHOULI 3 占夢:掌其歲時,觀天地之會,辨陰陽之氣。以日月星辰占六夢之吉凶,一曰正夢,二曰噩夢,三曰思夢,四曰寤夢,五曰喜夢,六曰懼夢。季冬,聘王夢,獻吉夢于王,王拜而受之。乃舍萌于四方,以贈惡夢,遂令始難驅疫。


      1. The current general word for what is of no good omen is xiōng 凶 (ant. jí 吉 ).

      2. Jiù 咎 is an archaic elevated terminus technicus for inauspiciousness used especially in divination literature.

      3. Yāo 妖 / 祅 refers to concrete inauspicious events like animal misfosters.

      4. Niè 孽 refers to inauspicious events, and the reference is said to be typically to botanic misfosters.

      5. Jìn 祲 refers to inauspicious supernatural influences.

      6. Bù xiáng 祥 is currently used to refer to inauspicious events.

      Word relations
    • Ant: (AUSPICIOUS)凶/INAUSPICIOUS The current general word for what is of no good omen is xiōng 凶 (ant. jí 吉).
    • Ant: (AUSPICIOUS)禍/DISASTER The most common general word for disasters is huò 禍 (ant. fú 福 "good fortune") which has no connotations of any metaphysical kind. (In OBI the character currently transcribed as huò 禍 - and closely related to 占 - refers not only to disasters as such, but particularly to disastrous omens.)
    • Epithet: (AUSPICIOUS)福/LUCK The dominant general word for good fortune is fú 福 (ant. huò 禍 "misfortune"), and the dominant general word for good luck is xìng 幸 (ant. yāng 殃 "misfortune").
    • Contrast: (LUCK)喜/DELIGHT Xǐ 喜 (ant. yōu 憂 "worry") is openly manifested delight, manifested in an individual, visible to all, but not normally of any profound significance.
    • Contrast: (EXCELLENT)善/EXCELLENT Shàn 善 (ant. zhuó 拙 "inept"), when the word does not mean moral goodness, but is close in meaning to liáng 良, refers to an acquired specific skill or propensity for certain forms of action.
    • Assoc: (AUSPICIOUS)祥/AUSPICIOUS Xiáng 祥 tends to refer to the auspiciousness of human actions, but in its nominal usages it came to be used more generally for all tings that bode well or ill.
    • Assoc: (EXCELLENT)良/EXCELLENT The standard current general word for anything or anyone who naturally meets certain generally accepted high standards of excellence is liáng 良 (ant. liè 劣 "inferior").
    • Assoc: (EXCELLENT)盛/ABUNDANT The general word for abundance of any kind, man-made or natural, is shèng 盛 (ant.*xī 稀 "sparse").
    • Assoc: (LUCK)安/COMFORTABLE The standard word for material and psychological comfort is ān 安.