Taxonomy of meanings for 廓:  

  • 廓 kuò (OC: khʷaaɡ MC: kʰʷɑk) 苦郭切 入 廣韻:【空也大也虚也亦州名漢西羌地前涼湟河郡周爲廓州也苦郭切六 】
    • ALONE
      • vibe alone and deserted
    • BROAD
      • vtoNcausativebroaden
      • vadNfigurativevast far-reaching (discourse etc)CH
      • ncity wall
    • EMPTY
      • nabdimensionempty space
      • vibe empty
    • REACH
      • vtoNbroaden> reach out beyond
      • OUTSIDE
        • PLAN
          • PLACE NAMES
            • STATES

              Additional information about 廓


              • EMPTY

                1. The most geneal word is xū 虛 (ant. shí 實 "substantial and full") which can refer both to physical emptiness of a space and to abstract emptiness or tenuousness as a philosophical concept.

                2. Kōng 空 (ant. mǎn 滿 "filled up") generally refers to literal emptiness of a container, but used adjectivally the word also has abstract uses as in kōng yán 空言 "empty words, abstract insubstantial discourse".

                3. Wú 無 (ant. yǒu 有 "existence") refers to the philosophical abstract construct of "nothingness, emptiness".

                4. Kuò 廓 and kuàng 曠 emphasise the expansiveness of the empty space.

              • CITY WALL

                1. Chéng 城 refers to the inner city wall. It was originally built of rammed earth, but during the Han there were also walls built of bricks or stones. See also FORTIFY.

                2. Guō 郭 is an outer city wall. Sometimes this is also called kuò 廓.

                3. Dié 堞 refers both to the battlements on the wall and to the crenels of it. See RAMPART

                4. Nuχiáng 女牆 refers to the battlements on the wall. See RAMPART

                5. Yú 隅 refers to the corner of the wall, usually raised above the level of the wall and with building on it.