Taxonomy of meanings for 鑿:  

  • 鑿 zú (OC: dzooɡ MC: dzuk) 昨木切 入 廣韻:【鑿鏤花葉又音昨 】
  • 鑿 zú (OC: ʔsoowɢ MC: tsuok) 將毒切 入 廣韻:【穿也 】
  • 鑿 záo (OC: ʔsoowɢ MC: dzɑk) 在各切 入 廣韻:【穿𣫞 】
  • 鑿 zuò (OC: tsaawɡ MC: tsɑk) 則落切 入 廣韻:【詩曰白石鑿鑿 】
  • 鑿 záo (OC: dzaawɡ MC: dzɑk) 在各切 入 廣韻:【鏨也古史考曰孟莊子作 】
      • na chisel
      • TOOL
        • ndrill; chisel?CH
      • DIG
        • vtoNdig (a hole in the ground, a cave etc)
        • vtoNdredge (a river)CH
      • UNTRUE
        • REALLY
          • DRILL
            • vtoNchisel holes in; perforate with a hole; create an opening in
            • vtoNdrill out, remove with a drillCH
            • nabact.figurativetendency to drill uncongenially and unnaturally into the depths of hermeneutig problemsCH
          • HOLE
            • CUT
              • WELL
                • CHANGE
                  • STRIKE
                  • CAVITY
                    • nhole (ZHOULI)

                  Additional information about 鑿

                  說文解字: 【鑿】,穿木也。从金、糳省聲。 【在各切】

                    Word relations
                  • Object: (DIG)池/MOAT The current general word for a moat designed for military defense is chí 池.
                  • Contrast: (DRILL)穿/DRILL Chuān 穿 refers to connecting the things by drilling the holes into these.
                  • Synon: (DIG)掘 / 掘/DIG