Taxonomy of meanings for 遽:  

  • 遽 jù (OC: ɡlas MC: ɡiɔ) 其據切 去 廣韻:【急也疾也亦戰慄也窘也卒也其據切五 】
    • nab=局 sitation, conditionCH

Additional information about 遽

說文解字: 【遽】,傳也。一曰:窘也。从辵、豦聲。 〔小徐本「从辵、豦聲」在「一曰」之前。〕 【其倨切】


    1. The most current and general word referring to something being about to happen in the immediate future is qiě 且.

    2. Jí 即 is a rather colourless word referring to action being performed without delay after another action.

    3. Jù 遽 (ant. huǎn 緩 "in due course, after a while") is a rather dramatic word refer to an action being performed without the slightest delay, post-haste.

    4. Zhé 輒 adds to the notion of immediate and undelayed action that of the regularity of this immediate action.