Taxonomy of meanings for 醫:  

  • 醫 yī (OC: qɯ MC: ʔɨ) 於其切 平 廣韻:【醫療也亦官名漢太常屬官有太醫令續漢書曰秩六百石有藥丞主藥方説文曰巫彭初作醫於其切五 】
    • CURE
      • nabactmedical treatment; medical practice
      • nabdispositionmedical skill, medical knowledge
      • vtoNrare, ZHOULI, mostly post-Han: give medical treatment
      • n+NprtitleDr Npr
      • nagentmedically specialised shaman; medical doctor8
      • nabactmedical practice, medicine wéi yī 為翳practice medicine
      • npost=Nprphysician, Dr. 秦醫
    • YOU
      • npronominalDoctor, you
    • FEED
      • MEDICINE
        • WINE
          • = 翳
        • 醫 yì (OC: qɯ MC: ʔei) 於計切 去 廣韻:【 】
        • 醫 yī (OC: qɯ MC: ʔɨ) 於其切 平 廣韻:【同醫 】

          Additional information about 醫

          說文解字: 【醫】,治病工也。殹,惡姿也。 〔小徐本「姿」作「恣」。〕 醫之性然,得酒而使。从酉。王育說。一曰:殹,病聲。酒所以治病也。 〔小徐本無「也」。〕 《周禮》有醫酒。古者巫彭初作醫。 【於其切】

          • PHYSICIAN

            1. The general standard word for a doctor is yī 醫.

            2. Wū 巫 refers to a shaman among whose typical capabilities is that of treating illnesses, often but not exclusively by supernatural or magical means.

          • CURE

            1. The general-use current word for curing patients of illnesses is zhì/chí 治.

            2. Chōu 瘳 refers to a cure taking effect, and this word is often used in nominalised ways.

            3. The result of successful therapy is standardly yù 愈 / 瘉, yǐ 已.

            4. Chú 除 refers to getting rid of the disease.

            5. Gōng 攻 is the standard word describing an attempt at curing a disease.

            6. Jiǔ 灸 is a specific ancient medical technique, that of cauterisation.

            7. Tán 彈 is to prick open with a needle.

            8. Zhēn 針 / 鍼 is needle therapy which is not necessarily to be identified with anything like acupuncture as we know it today.

            9. Yī 醫 focusses on the professional aspect of medical treatment as depending on trained specialisation.

            Word relations
          • Ant: (PHYSICIAN)良/EXCELLENT The standard current general word for anything or anyone who naturally meets certain generally accepted high standards of excellence is liáng 良 (ant. liè 劣 "inferior").
          • Epithet: (PHYSICIAN)良/EXCELLENT The standard current general word for anything or anyone who naturally meets certain generally accepted high standards of excellence is liáng 良 (ant. liè 劣 "inferior").
          • Epithet: (PHYSICIAN)賢/TALENT Xián 賢 (ant. bù xiào 不肖 "untalented") often refers to realised talents, and typically includes the nuance of moral worthiness in addition to practical and intellectual talents.
          • Assoc: (PHYSICIAN)巫/SHAMAN The general word for a shaman is wū 巫, and although this word was perceived to refer specifically to female shamans.