FEED 養活飼
Old Chinese Criteria
Modern Chinese Criteria
- REAR FEED AND PROTECT ENDURINGLY so as to CAUSE TO GROW. (anc: 13/0, child: 1)
- CAUSE TO MOVE in SUCH a way that THEREFORE someone or something else CHANGES. (anc: 11/0, child: 18)
- MOVE CHANGE PLACE OR SITUATION. (anc: 10/0, child: 21)
- CHANGE EVENT involving two MOMENTS t1 and t2, such that a THING at the MOMENT t1 is DIFFERENT FROM that THING at the MOMENT t2. (anc: 9/0, child: 18)
cibare is to feed individually, as one does children.
pascere is to feed collectively, as one does domestic animals.
Words (41 items)
飼 sì OC: sɢlɯs MC: zɨ
食 sì MC: -- OC: -- 30 Attributions
The current general word is sì 食/飼 which refers to any action of feeding, and the action of given someone something to drink is yìn 飲.
- Syntactic words
- nabactthe giving something (poisonous) to eat
- vt(oN)to feed (the contextually defined object)
- vtoNgive something to eat to (a person or sometimes an animal); provide for the subsistence of
- vtoNcausativepassive: be fed 血食 "be fed with blood"
- vtoNreflexive.自feed (oneself)
- vtt(oN1.)+N2feed the contextually determinate thing to the eater N2
- vttoN1.+N2feed N1 to N2
乳 rǔ OC: njoʔ MC: ȵi̯o 22 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vadNfeeding; nursing (tigress) (frequent in 乳母"nurse")
- vigive milk, feed children
- vtoNZUO: feed the young (as tigress)
享 xiǎng OC: qhaŋʔ MC: hi̯ɐŋ
饗 xiǎng OC: qhaŋʔ MC: hi̯ɐŋ 22 Attributions
Xiǎng 享/饗 is typically to offer food for the enjoyment and appreciation of the spirits, and very often also for guests. See FEAST.
- Syntactic words
- vtoNoffer food in a ceremonious way to someone; entertain to a banquet[IS THAT THE RIGHT SYN. GROUP SINCE THE WORD USUALLY USUALLY REFERS TO 'ENTERTAIN'; MAYBE IT SHOULD BE MOVED TO 'FEAST'][CA]
- vtoNobject=foodfeed (drink or food)
- vttoN1.+N2N1=recipientoffer N2 to N1DS
飲 yìn OC: qrɯms MC: ʔim 17 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nabactthe giving someone something (poisonous) to drink
- vt(oN)offer drinks to the contextually determinate N
- vtoNgive something to drink (also to horses and dragons)
- vtoNreflexive.自give (oneself) something to drink
- vtt(oN1.)(+N2)ditransitive verb with contextually determinate direct and indirect objectsCH
- vttoN1(.+N2):+prep+N3give N1 to drink the contextually determinate liquid N2 from N3DS
- vttoN1(.+N2)N1=recipientgive somebody to drink (typically wine)DS
- vttoN1+.vtoN2give N1 the liquid N2 to drink
秣 mò OC: maad MC: mʷɑt 12 Attributions
Mò 秣 is specifically to feed horses with grain.
- Syntactic words
- nmhorse-feed
- vtoNfeed (horses) with grain
- vtoNpassivebe fed; be supplied with (grain)
飯 fàn OC: bonʔ MC: bi̯ɐn 10 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNgive something to eat, feed
- vtt(oN1.)-vtoN2put something N2 in the mouth of a contextually determinate person (symbolically)
供 gōng OC: koŋ MC: ki̯oŋ
共 gōng OC: koŋ MC: ki̯oŋ 4 Attributions
- Word relations
- Syntactic words
- vtoNsupply (the needs of someone); supply superiors with necessities, deliver (goods)
- vtoNfigurativenourish religiously through worship 供養
啖 dàn OC: ɡ-laamʔ MC: dɑm 4 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNcausativegive something to eat, feed (someone)(with something)
豢 huàn OC: ɡroons MC: ɦɣan 3 Attributions
Huàn 豢 is specifically to feed grain to pigs.
- Syntactic words
- vtoNfeed (pigs) on grain; feed; fatten
食 shí sì MC: zyik OC: ɢljɯɡ 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNcausativefeed; serve a meal toCH
- vtt N1 prep N2N1=recipientgive N1 to eat N2; feed N1 with N2DS
餧 wèi OC: qrols MC: ʔiɛ
餵 wèi OC: qros MC: ʔiɛ 2 Attributions
- Word relations
- Object: 獸/BEAST
Shòu 獸 tends to refer to dangerous mammals above a certain size that are typically imagined as running (zǒu shòu 走獸), and sometimes as liable to bite.
- Syntactic words
- vt+prep+Nfeed
- vtoNHANSHU: feed (a tiger with meat)
- vttoN1.+N2feed (something contextually determinate N1 to (someone or something N2)
餬 hú OC: ɡaa MC: ɦuo̝ 2 Attributions
Cān 餐 is to treat someone to a regular meal, hú 餬 is sometimes used to feed others with a very simple meal.
- Syntactic words
- vtoNprovide with a simple meal
饁 yè OC: ɢab MC: ɦiɛp 2 Attributions
Yè 饁 is to carry food out for informal consumption by people working in the open air.
- Syntactic words
- vtoNoffer food, particularly to those working in the fields
摧 cuī OC: sɡluul MC: dzuo̝i 2 Attributions
Tuī 摧 refers to giving fodder to animals.
- Syntactic words
- vtoNfeed with cut grain/fodder
犓 chú OC: skhro MC: ʈʂhi̯o 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNfeed with grass or hey
膳 shàn OC: ɡjens MC: dʑiɛn 1 Attribution
Shàn 膳 refers to serving an excellent meal to somebody.
- Syntactic words
- vtoNserve an excellent meal for
- vttoN1.+prep+N2serve (something N1) to (somebody N2) as a delicacy敢膳諸從者
頤 yí MC: yi OC: k-lɯ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- nmsustenance; supportCH
- vtoNfigurativenourish, feedCH
飫 yù OC: qas MC: ʔi̯ɤ 1 Attribution
Yù 飫 is to provide abundant food or even to regale guests.
- Syntactic words
- vt(oN)regale; feed lavishly
- vtoNto regale; feast, standing reception
飲食 yìn shí OC: qrɯms ɢljɯɡ MC: ʔim ʑɨk 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNcausativefeed (oneself)
育養 yù yǎng OC: luɡ laŋʔ MC: juk ji̯ɐŋ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPadNfed> raised
傅 fù MC: pjuH OC: paɡs 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoN=哺 feed (the young) with NCH
具 jù OC: ɡos MC: gi̯o 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNHANSHU: provide food for
喂 wèi MC: -- OC: --
餵 wèi OC: qros MC: ʔiɛ 1 Attribution
Wèi 喂/餵 refers to feeding animals.
- Syntactic words
- vtoNHANSHU: feed (animals)
字 zì OC: sɡlɯs MC: dzɨ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNYI: have children; ZUO Cheng 11: nourish and foster other people's children
有 yǒu MC: hjuwX OC: ɢʷɯʔ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNserve meal toCH
食於 sì yú MC: -- 'jo OC: -- qa 1 Attribution
- Word relations
- Conv: 飼 / 食/FEED
The current general word is sì 食/飼 which refers to any action of feeding, and the action of given someone something to drink is yìn 飲.
- Syntactic words
- VP Npassivebe fed byCH
粟 sù OC: soɡ MC: si̯ok 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNfeed grain to (horses etc)
粻 zhāng OC: krlaŋ MC: ʈi̯ɐŋ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNprovide food provisions for
茹 rù OC: njas MC: ȵi̯ɤ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNfeed (cattle) ????????
葆 bǎo OC: puuʔ MC: pɑu 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
起 qǐ OC: khɯʔ MC: khɨ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNraise, breed, cause to grow up
飽 bǎo OC: pruuʔ MC: pɣɛu 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNfeed abundantly MO: 飽天下之飢者
餉 xiǎng OC: qhjaŋs MC: ɕi̯ɐŋ 0 Attributions
Xiàng 餉 is to serve someone a good meal for enjoyment, as a ritual sign of .
- Syntactic words
- vtoNcausativefeed
餐 cān OC: tshaan MC: tshɑn 0 Attributions
Cān 餐 is to treat someone to a regular meal, hú 餬 is sometimes used to feed others with a very simple meal.
- Syntactic words
餔 bū OC: paa MC: puo̝ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNfeed, SJ: (Empress Ly feeding a passing beggar who says he is thirsty)(give something to drink)
餫 yùn OC: ɢuns MC: ɦi̯un 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNsupply (troops) with
饋 kuì MC: gwijH OC: ɡruds 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNhave a meal served forCH
哺 bǔ OC: baas MC: buo̝ 0 Attributions
Bǔ 哺 is specifically to feed babies.
- Syntactic words
- vtoNgive babies to eat
實 shí OC: ɢljiɡ MC: ʑit 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoN(make full>) provide sufficiently for
服 fú OC: bɯɡ MC: buk 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNinculcate into
喂食 wèi sì MC: -- -- OC: -- --
餵食 wèi sì MC: zyik -- OC: qros -- 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNread wèi sì: feed (also animals)