Taxonomy of meanings for 謀:  

  • 謀 móu (OC: mɯ MC: miu) 莫浮切 平 廣韻:【謀計也又姓風俗通云周卿士祭公謀父之後莫浮切二十四 】
    • PLAN
      • vtoNpassivebe planned for, be consulted about
      • nabactplanning; plan
      • viactmake plans; deliberate; consult with each other (and say...)
      • vt[oN]make plans; make effective plans (sometimes also with negative connotations: to scheme, See PLOT)
      • vt+prep+Nto discuss matters with (somebody), consult with; discuss plans for (somebody);
      • vt+V[0]plan to V; make plans to V
      • vtoNN=aimbe strategically concerned about, plan for; seek through careful planning
      • vtpost-.VtoNconsult and plan with someone 與之謀
      • vtoNN=subjectconcert plans on; make plans on
      • vtoNab{S}make clans about S; make plans lest S
      • vtoNN=hummake plans for N, enter into consultations for N
      • vt(oN)consult about the contextually determinate matter
      • vt(oN)N=consulteeconsult with
      • nab[post-N]one's plansDS
      • vadVby strategic planningDS
      • general, psychological> THINK
        • viactkeep counsel, consider alternative plans
        • for oneself, plan for obtaining> SEEK
          • personally> INVESTIGATE
              • explicitly, publicly> DISCUSS
                  • for superior person> ADVISE
                    • nabactcounsel, advice
                    • vadNadvising; advisory 謀臣
                    • vtoNact as consultant for, act as a strategic adviser for, give counsel; advise
                    • vtoNobject=matteradvise on
                    • vt prep Noffer advice toCH
                    • hostile, connive to make plans against others> PLOT
                      • nabactscheme, plan; secret plot, secret plan; consultative planning; strategy
                      • vadNplotting
                      • viactengage in plots
                      • vt+prep+Nplot with N
                      • vt+V[0]make secret plans to, plot to
                      • vtoNobject=goalplot for
                      • vtoNpassivebe the object of malicious plots, be plotted against
                      • vtoNN=enemyplot against N; set a strategy against
                      • vi2post-.vtoNarrange a plot with NDS
                      • vt2+V[0].post-vtoNarrange plot with N in order to V[0]DS
            • figuratively: come together as if planning to do so, of stars> MEET
            • =媒

              Additional information about 謀

              說文解字: 【謀】,慮難曰謀。从言、某聲。 【莫浮切】 【𠰔】, 〔小徐本古文作「【】」。〕 古文謀。 【𧦥】,亦古文。

              • THINK

                1. The most current general word for thought or reflection of any kind is perhaps sī 思 (ant. hū 忽 "fail to pay detailed attention to"), but this word tends to refer specifically to reflection.

                2. Huái 懷 (ant. wàng 忘 "forget all about") refers to emotionally loaded thinking about a absent person or an important subject.

                3. Móu 謀 refers to any act of planning by a private or public personality.

                4. Tú 圖 refer to deliberative strategic thinking about the future by a person in authority to decide on a future course of action.

                5. Xiǎng 想 is occasionally used to refer to fond thinking about absent persons, and in later times the word comes to refer to unrealistic imaginings in thought, and wàng xiǎng 妄想 "wild imaginings" is a symptomatic current phrase..

                6. Niàn 念 refers to intense intellectual effort and strenuous attention, and zhèng niàn 正念 refers to correct intellectual efforts in Buddhist Chinese.

                7. Zhēn zhuó 斟酌 refers to careful deliberation on the truth of a proposition or the moral quality of something.

                8. Jì 計 refers to subjecting something to rational often quantified consideration and judgment.

                9. Gù 顧 is inchoative and refers to the turning of one's attention to something one has not focussed on before.

                10. Lu �慮 refers to thoughtful long-term strategic (often personal) planning.

              • ADVISE





                1. The current standard word for fairly formal consultation and advice to superiors is móu 謀.

                [ASCENDING], [BASIC], [OFFICIAL]

                2. Jiào 教 sometimes refers to advice close to instruction to inferiors.

                [DESCENDING], [MARGINAL]; [[RARE]]

                3. Quàn 勸 is sometimes used to refer to advice without essential reference to relative status. See ENCOURAGE


              • PLAN

                1. The current general word for a planning process involving consultation among several people, and taking into account all aspects of a long term strategy for an individual or a state is móu 謀.

                2. Lu �慮 refers to a careful personal planning effort based on serious reflection.

                3. Tú 圖 suggests that the person who plans has the formal authority to take a decision.

                4. Jì 計 refers to planning involving calculations of relative advantages and disadvantages, and the planning typically or primarily concerns the actions of an individual.

                5. Guī 規 suggests that the planning is in order to ensure an orderly progress of things.

                6. Huà 畫 refers to an elaborated strategy that is fairly well-defined.

                7. Xīn 心 refers to a secret motivation or ultimate design, an aim in planning. See INTENTION

              • WISE

                1. The current general word for wisdom is zhì 智 (ant. yú 愚 "devoid of wisdom") and this may refer to any acquired superior intellectual ability beyond the realm of memorisation or mundane knowledge, the quality which enables one to móu 謀 give good advice..

                2. Shèng 聖 (ant. yōng 庸 "mediocre") refers to supreme sagehood and perfection of character.

                3. Míng 明 (ant. bì 蔽 "beclouded, mentally obfuscated") refers to more cerebral clarity of moral insight and superb perceptiveness.

                4. Cōng 聰 (ant. dùn 鈍 "numb and insensitive") refers to sharp and incisive intelligence, especially in the analyses of what one has learnt and heard.

                5. Huì 慧 can refer to natural profound wisdom and depth of insight, but the word often comes close to referring to natural cunning.

                6. Yǐng 穎 is a rare and archaising word referring to quite extraordinary superb intellectual ability.

                7. Ruì 睿 refers to general astuteness and thoughtfulness.

                Word relations
              • Epithet: (ADVISE)臣/MINISTER The general word for a government minister at any level and of any kind is chén 臣, generically rén chén 人臣.
              • Epithet: (PLOT)陰/SECRET Yīn 陰 (ant. míng 明 "openly, for everyone to see") refers to covert actions hidden from a certain person group.
              • Epithet: (ADVISE)忠/FAITHFUL Zhōng 忠 refers to a selfless effort on behalf of the person to whom one takes oneself to owe loyalty, and this person may be either a ruler or a friend.
              • Contrast: (PLAN)策/PLAN
              • Contrast: (ADVISE)交/INTERACT The general objective word referring to mutual social interaction is jiāo 交.
              • Assoc: (PLAN)慮/PLAN Lǜ 慮 refers to a careful personal planning effort based on serious reflection.
              • Relat: (PLAN)成/ACHIEVE The current general word for successful action on one's own behalf or on someone else's behalf is chéng 成 (ant. bài 敗 "fail to achieve; botch up"). [GENERAL], [LARGE-SCALE]; [VERB]
              • Oppos: (PLOT)哲/WISE Zhé 哲 emphasises advanced intellectual talents.