Taxonomy of meanings for 虧:  

  • 虧 kuī (OC: khʷral MC: kʰʷɯiɛ) 去為切 平 廣韻:【缺也俗作𧇊去爲切一 】
    • LACK
      • vibe in short supply
    • OFFEND
      • nabactoffence, improper behaviour or conduct
      • vtoNfail to act according to (the law etc)
    • REDUCE
      • nabactloss, impairment; reduction
      • vichangedecline; get weakened
      • vtoNcausativeMO: impair, cause to suffer damage or reduction
      • vtoNpassiveget impaired; get reduced
    • WEAK
      • vt+prep+Nbe inferior to N, weaker than N
      • vtoNbe inferior to
      • viweakenCH
    • INJURE
      • FAIL
        • OWE
          • LOSE
            • CONCEAL
              • LITTLE
                • DISAPPOINTED
                  • FORTUNATELY
                    • DISAPPEAR
                    • kuīDAMAGE
                      • vtoNdo harm toCH
                      • vtoNpassivebe impairedCH
                    • kuīWASTE
                      • vtoNpassiveget wasted awayCH

                    Additional information about 虧

                    說文解字: 【虧】,气損也。从亏、雐聲。 【去爲切】 【𧇾】,虧或从兮。

                    • REDUCE

                      1. The current general word for diminishing or lessening anything in any way is sǔn 損 (ant. yì 益 "increase, improve")..

                      2. Kuī 虧 (ant. yíng 盈 "cause to become more plentiful") refers to impairing a typically abstract or at least subtle thing.

                      3. Jiǎn 減 (ant. zēng 增 "increase") typically refers to a reduction in the intensitity or in the number of something.

                      4. Shǎo 少 is used to refer to the reducing the number of things. See FEW

                    • OFFEND

                      1. The current most general word for offending against what one is obliged to act in accordance with or going against a current is probably nì 逆 (ant. shùn 順 "follow and obey"), which refers to any action which goes against something.

                      2. Fàn 犯 (ant. cǒng 從 "follow obediently") refers as a derogatory term to a deliberate and active breaking of a rule.

                      3. Gān 干 and gān 奸 are rare words referring specifically to culpable breach of the law.

                      4. Wéi 違 (ant. xún 循 "follow") and the rarer lí 離 as well as fēi 非 are neutral terms referring to a failure to comply with something.

                      5. Fú 拂 refers to something grating against sensibilities or creating a conflict.

                      6. Fáng 妨 adds to the failure of compliance the nuance of interference with what one fails to comply with.

                      7. Kuī 虧 adds to the failure of compliance the nuance of inflicting harm or damage on what one fails to comply with.

                      8. Shāng 傷, hài 害, and bài 敗 add to the failure of compliance the element of ruining what one has failed to comply with exactly by this failure of compliance; but hài 害 has developed a special related meaning of offending logically against something, i.e. being incompatible with it.

                      Word relations
                    • Ant: (REDUCE)成/ACHIEVE The current general word for successful action on one's own behalf or on someone else's behalf is chéng 成 (ant. bài 敗 "fail to achieve; botch up"). [GENERAL], [LARGE-SCALE]; [VERB]
                    • Ant: (LACK)盈/FULL The ancient standard word for fullness of any kind is yíng 盈.
                    • Ant: (LACK)豐 / 酆/ABUNDANT Fēng 豐 (ant.*qiàn 歉 "poor natural harvest") refers primarily to the natural abundance of some feature or resource, but in elevated archaic discourse the word may also refer to abundance of sacrifice and the like. The rare fēng 丰 was not homophonous in ancient times, and the meaning emphasises beauty as well as abundance. [NATURAL!]
                    • Ant: (LACK)豐 / 酆/ABUNDANT Fēng 豐 (ant.*qiàn 歉 "poor natural harvest") refers primarily to the natural abundance of some feature or resource, but in elevated archaic discourse the word may also refer to abundance of sacrifice and the like. The rare fēng 丰 was not homophonous in ancient times, and the meaning emphasises beauty as well as abundance. [NATURAL!]