Taxonomy of meanings for 稍:  

  • 稍 shāo (OC: smreewɡs MC: ʃɯau) 所教切 去 廣韻:【均也小也説文曰出物有漸也所敎切七 】
    • GRAIN
        • as payment>SALARY
          • feature>SMALL
            • vadVin subtle small ways; by subtle meansCH
            • subject>TIP
              • nends of branches and twigs; twigs
            • bit by bit>GRADUALLY
              • vadVin gradual stages; by and by; as time passes; increasing gradually
            • abstract>TENUOUS
              • in number>FEW
                • vibe little; few
                • grammaticalised>>ONLY
                  • grammaticalised>>>ALREADY
                      • grammaticalised>>>INTENSELY
                        • vadVcolloquialcolloquial intensifier: very, to a high degree (also in BIANWEN and Tang poetry)
                    • grammaticalised>>>NOW
                • DIRECTION
                  • CONCEAL
                    • STEAL
                      • GAMBLE
                        • TERRITORY
                          • =蕱梢TIP
                            • nends of branches and twigs; twigs
                          • =捎
                          • =艄
                          • =筲
                          • =弰
                          • SURNAMES
                              ********************************************From here Sehnal

                            Additional information about 稍

                            說文解字: 【稍】,出物有漸也。从禾、肖聲。 【所敎切】

                            • GRADUALLY

                              1. The standard word for something happening gradually rather than abruptly is jiàn 漸.

                              2. Shāo 稍 refers to something happening increasingly.