Taxonomy of meanings for 純:  

  • 純 chún (OC: djun MC: dʑʷin) 常倫切 平 廣韻:【篤也至也好也文也大也常倫切十三 】
    • ONLY
      • vadVonly, no more than
    • PURE
      • v[adN]figurativethose who are pure; the pure
      • nabactmoral purity
      • vadNfigurativewithout blemish
      • vadVin an unadulterated way, purely
      • vifigurativeunadulterated; pure, be without blemish
      • vifigurativebe all pure
      • vtoNdeclarativedeclare to be morally pure
    • SILK
      • nmpure silk
  • 純 zhǔn (OC: tjunʔ MC: tɕʷin) 之尹切 上 廣韻:【縁也又音淳 】
      • vtoNembellish, embroider
    • HEM
      • nhem or border of a garment (SHU)

    Additional information about 純


    • HEM

      1. The current general word for a border in clothing is zhǔn 純.

      2. Pí 紕 refers to a trimming.

      3. Yì 裔 is a specific term for a border in clothing.

      4. Qí 齊 refers to the hem of a mourning cloth.

      5. Jī 緝 refers to a trimming.

      6. Yuán 緣 refers to a hem in clothing with a bands of fabric applied on it.

      7. Rán 袡 is a specific term refering to a hem on the lower part of a cloth.

      8. Tuán 褖 specifically refers to a hem of a ritual cloth.

    • PURE

      1. The standard general term for purity is chún 純 (ant. zá 雜 "mixed").

      2. Sù 素 (ant. huá 華 "well-adorned") adds to the notion of purity that of the unadulaterated original state of something.

      3. Qīng 清 (ant. zhuó 濁 "dirty, impure") and the rarer chéng 澂 emphasises the absence of any admixtures that might make something less transparent and translucent.

      4. Jìng 淨 (ant. wū 污 "impure") emphasises the unsullied state of something and the absence specifically of dirt.

      5. Chè 澈 (ant. hún 渾 "murky") focusses on perfect transparency.

      6. Jié 潔 / 絜 (ant. wū 污 "impure" and zhuó 濁 "dirty") refer abstractly to the absence of any material or immaterial impurity or blemish.

      7. Chún 醇 (bó 駁 "mixed") refers specifically to the undiluted state of wine but the word is also used in generalised senses of purity.


      1. Bān 斑 can be used to describe anything as being of more than one colour.

      2. Bó 駁 (ant. chún 純 "pure") refers to distinct variety in colour as a positive feature. But see also MIXED.

      Word relations
    • Ant: (PURE)駁/MIXED Bó 駁 sometimes refers figurativelyj to something as having varying and not properly constant features.
    • Ant: (PURE)駁/COLOURFUL Bó 駁 (ant. chún 純 "pure") refers to distinct variety in colour as a positive feature. But see also MIXED.
    • Assoc: (PURE)一/UNITE The standard word for the unification of what is disunited is yī 一 (ant. fēn 分 "divide").
    • Assoc: (PURE)樸 / 樸/SIMPLE The current word for unadorned simplicity is pǔ 樸 (ant. lì 麗 "beautifully patterned").
    • Assoc: (PURE)潔 / 絜 / 潔絜洁/PURE Jié 潔/絜 (ant. wū 污 "impure" and zhuó 濁 "dirty") refers abstractly to the absence of any material or immaterial impurity or blemish.
    • Assoc: (PURE)誠/EARNEST The current standard word for earnestness in attitude and earnest effort in practice is chéng 誠 (ant.* màn 慢 "negligent").
    • Oppos: (SILK)麻/CLOTH MATERIALS The common material to make cloth from was má 麻 "hemp".