Taxonomy of meanings for 爭:  

  • 爭 zhēng (OC: skreeŋ MC: tʂɯæŋ) 側莖切 平 廣韻:【競也引也側莖切七 】
      • vt[oN.]post-V[0]compete with somebody 與之爭
      • nnonreferentialthe competititve people
      • nabactcompetition, struggle
      • vadNcantankerous and competitive
      • vt(oN)N=nonhucompete with the contextually determinate N
      • vt[oN]engage in competition and conflict; be competitive
      • vt[oN]psychbe inclined to engage in competition; be competitive; be contentious
      • vt+V[0]compete to V; struggle to
      • vtoNfight for; compete violently for
      • vttoN1.postvtoN2{OBJ}compete with N2 for N1
      • vi2compete with each other
      • vttoN1.postvtoN2compete with N2 for N1
      • vtoNabcompete over who excels most in NabCH
      • success> WIN
        • vtoNwin control over by force, successfully fight for control over (a state etc)CH
      • generalised> SEEK
        • vtoVendeavour (to do something); try hard
        • vtoNfight or struggle to obtainCH
        • vtoNpassivebe sought hardLZ
      • violently> FIGHT
        • nabactstruggle; wrangling; competition
        • vadVthrough struggle, competitively
        • viactengage in competition; engage in struggle; engage in a fight
        • vtoNfight against, compete with; fight to subdue (a disease etc)
        • vtoNobject=issuequarrel about (a contentious issue) sometimes written 諍
        • vtpost.Vt(oN)quarrel with the contextually determinate N
        • vt(oN)passiveobject=issue: get fought overCH
        • vtoVfight to be able to VCH
      • intellectually> DISAGREE
        • vtoNcontend against, contend that something is untrue
        • nabdispute, disagreementLZ
        • discursive consideration> DISCUSS
          • vt[oN]engage in discussion
          • vtoNenter a debate about, enter a competitive argument about; be in dispute about; take issue with; quarrel about
          • vttoN1.+N2discuss N1 before a person N2
    • grammaticalised> HOW
      • npro.adSexpected answer: no!how can it be that...; what is the point of (often in the pattern 爭...奈何); often also in a pattern with modal verbs (expressing ability) and final hé 何: 爭那...何 How can I possibly...
      • npro.adVrhetorical questionhow can one V, what is the point of Ving (>one should not!)
      • nprDiviner Zhēng, Period 1 Oracle Bone diviner serving at the court of Wǔ Dīng 武丁. One of the Bīn 賓 diviners group
  • 爭 zhèng【集韻】側逬切,箏去聲。義同。【韻會】俗作争,非。
      • =諍> REMONSTRATE
        • vtoNtake issue strongly, raise an issue strongly and critically with a superior or an equal
        • nabarguments, debate
        • vadNremonstrating, criticalLZ
        • vt prep Nraise an issue strongly and critically with a superior or an equalLZ

      Additional information about 爭


      • DISCUSS

        1. The most current words for discussion are yì 議 "public (often formal) discussion", and lùn 論 "discursive discourse; written summary discussion with a conclusion".

        2. Biàn 辯 refers to a rational subtle discussion and investigation.

        3. Zhēng 爭 refers to an eristic discussion or an altercation, and the word emphasises the intellectual conflict involved. See STRUGGLE.

        4. Jiǎng 講 refers to discussing something as an important subject and in a systematic manner.

        5. Tǎo 討 is to engage in a deep and thorough discussion and investigation of something.

        6. Píng 評 is a rare word that refers to discussion. (NB: this word enjoyed a renaissance and become more common in post-Buddhist times.)

        7.Tán 談 refers (often pejoratively) to an informal, perhaps even inconsequential, dialogue or or discourse on something. See DIALOGUE.

      • FIGHT

        1. The current general word for any form of conflict or competition is zhēng 爭 (ant. ràng 讓 "give polite precedence to"). However, the word specifically focusses on competition rather than physical violence.

        2. Dòu 鬥, ōu 毆 and the rarer bó 搏 (ant. què 卻 "withdraw from conflict") refer to physical interpersonal violence and struggle.

        3. Jìng 競 (ant. tuì 退 "withdraw from conflict") refers to intense competiton.

        4. Shì fēi 是非 refers to a primarily non-physical verbal conflict, but in extended usage it can refer to any political dissension or conflict.

        5. Fèn 奮 refers to a fierce physical strugge, often for a higher aim.

        6. Zhàn 戰 (ant. hé 和 "make peace; hold the peace") normally refers to armed conflict (see BATTLE) but the word can occasionally refer to an inner struggle in one's chest: zwei Seelen wohnen, ach, in meiner Brust.

        NB: Dāng 當 can refer to facing an opponent in battle, and the word is marginal in this group.

      • COMPETE

        1. The clearly dominant general word for competition or struggle, both hostile and friendly, is zhēng 爭 and the focus is on the conflict rather on what is being fought for. See STRUGGLE

        2. Jìng 競 is to compete strenuously, and to vie for something viewed as desirable, and the focus is not so much on the conflict involved as on the aim pursued.

        3. Jiǎo 角 is a rare elevated word for competition.

      • SEEK

        1. The current general word for trying to find or get something is qiú 求.

        2. Suǒ 索 refers to an attempt to get hold of what is hard to find or trying to escape.

        3. Sōu 搜 refers to the conduct of a searching campaign of some size, typically for a person.

        4. Gān 干 refers to the abstract pursuit of aims in life.

        5. Móu 牟 refers to concerted action to insure the supply of necessities or conveniences, both concrete and abstract.

        6. Zhēng 爭 is to make a strenuous competitive effort to get something.

        NB: Xún 尋 is apparently post-Buddhist.


        1. The current general word for making representations to higher authorities is jiàn 諫.

        2. Fěng 諷 refers to the making of indirect polite representations to superiors.

        3. Zhēng 爭 / 諍 refers to vigorous and sometimes even aggressive representations to superiors.

      • DISAGREE

        1. The current general word for entertaining an attitude of dissent is fēi 非 "consider as wrong" (ant. shì 是 "agree").

        2. Yì 異 (ant. tóng 同 "agree") refers to the holding of an alternative opinion.

        3. Yì 議 (ant. yī 一 "make no objections") is to put forward a dissenting opinion in public discussion.

        4. Zhēng 爭 (ant. dìng 定 "confirm and not contest") refers to contending a conflicting point of view in a combative intellectual or rhetorical way.

        Word relations
      • Object: (COMPETE)位/RANK Wèi 位 and the rarer liè 列 typically refer to relatively elevated official ranks only.
      • Assoc: (FIGHT)奪/TAKE Duó 奪 is to take by force or threat of force.
      • Assoc: (COMPETE)奪/TAKE Duó 奪 is to take by force or threat of force.
      • Assoc: (FIGHT)鬥/FIGHT Dòu 鬥, ōu 毆 and the rarer bó 搏 (ant. què 卻"withdraw from conflict") refer to physical interpersonal violence and struggle.
      • Assoc: (DISAGREE)辯/DISCUSS Biàn 辯 refers to a rational subtle discussion and investigation
      • Synon: (COMPETE)競/COMPETE Jìng 競 is to compete strenuously, and to vie for something viewed as desirable, and the focus is not so much on the conflict involved as on the aim pursued.
      • Oppos: (FIGHT)守/DEFEND The standard word for defending a place is shǒu 守 (ant. gōng 攻 "attack").