    • SPEAKACT so as to USE WORDS FOR SHOWING MEANING.*Speech by speaker X, directed towards audience Y, in order to communicate message Z.
      • ACTMOVE OR NOT MOVE CONFORMING to one's SELF:own DECIDE:decision.
See also
  • ADVISEADDRESS someone INTENDing to HELP  his/her PLANing. 
    Old Chinese Criteria
    1. The current general word for making representations to higher authorities is jiàn 諫.

    2. Fěng 諷 refers to the making of indirect polite representations to superiors.

    3. Zhēng 爭 / 諍 refers to vigorous and sometimes even aggressive representations to superiors.


    GOVERNMENT/LAW 24. 臣下向君主提出建議、規勸。




    Modern Chinese Criteria
    進諫 is the current word for remonstration with a monarch.

    諫諍 (lit) refers to written criticism of a monarch.

    諍諫 (lit) refers to written criticism of a monarch.

    規諫 refers to remonstration, prototypically insofar as it is in accordance with a moral rule.

    諷諫 refers to critical admonisment to a higher authority, not necessarily a monarch.

    進言 (lit) refers quite generally to a memorandum submitted, typically a piece of advice offered to higher authorities, and the word is marginal in the group.

    rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

    Attributions by syntactic funtion

    • vt[oN] : 21
    • nab : 19
    • vtoN : 15
    • vadN : 9
    • vt(oN) : 8
    • vt(oN.)+V : 7
    • v[adN] : 2
    • VPi : 2
    • vt prep N : 2
    • NPab : 1
    • vttoN.+V[0] : 1
    • vi : 1
    • VPtoN : 1

    Attributions by text

    • 韓非子 : 23
    • 說苑 : 16
    • 春秋左傳 : 11
    • 孝經 : 8
    • 史記 : 7
    • 論語 : 5
    • 古列女傳 : 4
    • 淮南子 : 3
    • 荀子 : 2
    • 韓詩外傳 : 2
    • 文選 : 1
    • 搜神記 : 1
    • 列子 : 1
    • 尚書 : 1
    • 禮記 : 1
    • 莊子 : 1
    • 賢愚經 : 1
    • 祖堂集 : 1


      jiàn OC: kraans MC: kɣan 68 AttributionsWD

    The current general word for making representations to higher authorities is jiàn 諫.

      Word relations
    • Epithet: 愎/STUBBORN Bì 愎 refers to stubbornness as a deplorable feature involving lack of flexibility and obstinacy.
    • Assoc: 箴/WARN Zhēn 箴 is an archaic word referring to formal remonstration. The direction of this warning is upwards.
    • Assoc: 誨/TEACH Huì 誨 (ant. xí 習 "study persistently") refers to systematic and persistent efforts to teach and inculcate intellectual or practical skills (誨之琴 "taught him to play the zither") and moral understanding of students (誨女知之 "I will teach you so you understand"), and the word never implies coercion or any threat of force. Huì 誨 can be mutual, or refer to equals teaching equals, even subordinates teaching superiors 諫誨 "remonstrate with and instruct". The word is not commonly nominalised. The primary aim of huì 誨 is understanding.
    • Assoc: 難/OPPOSE
    • Assoc: 諷/REMONSTRATE Fěng 諷 refers to the making of indirect polite representations to superiors.

      Syntactic words
    • nabactremonstration
    • v[adN]remonstrator
    • vadNremonstrating (e.g. ministers)
    • vt(oN)remonstrate to the contextually determinate person
    • vt(oN)object=matterremonstrate about the contextually determinate matter (note that no vtt-construction is found so far for this jia4n.
    • vt(oN.)+Vremonstrate with a contextually determinate person N or on a contextually determinate subject N (and say:)
    • vt+prep+Nobject=superiorraise formal objection towards the superior [DS]
    • vt[oN]make a formal submission on something; raise formal objections, attempt to remonstrate directly
    • vtoNN=commonerremonstrate with someone (who is impressive, but not a ruler)CH
    • vtoNN=humanbe remonstrated to
    • vtoNN=topicbe remonstrated about
    • vtoNobject=matterremonstrate about (a matter)
    • vtoNobject=superiorremonstrate formally and openly with a superior; offer formal advice at court (positive or negative)
      zhēng MC: -- OC: --
      zhēng MC: tsreang OC: skreeŋ 10 AttributionsWD

    Zhēng 爭/諍 refers to vigorous and sometimes even aggressive representations to superiors.

      Syntactic words
    • nabarguments, debate
    • vadNremonstrating, criticalLZ
    • vt prep Nraise an issue strongly and critically with a superior or an equalLZ
    • vtoNtake issue strongly, raise an issue strongly and critically with a superior or an equal
      fěng OC: plums MC: puŋ 5 AttributionsWD

    Fěng 諷 refers to the making of indirect polite representations to superiors.

      Word relations
    • Assoc: 諫/REMONSTRATE The current general word for making representations to higher authorities is jiàn 諫.

      Syntactic words
    • nabactsubtle suggestions
    • vt[oN]suggest things subtly; make subtle suggestions; come up with frank opinions
    • vtoNremonstrate indirectly with
      shǔ OC: sqroʔ MC: ʂi̯o 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • viactmake petulant remonstrations諫???
      shěn OC: qhljɯmʔ MC: ɕim 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • vttoN.+V[0]archaic: remontrate with N saying that S
    諫喻  jiàn yù OC: kraans los MC: kɣan ji̯o 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNremonstrate with so as to enlighten
    彊諫  qiáng jiàn MC: gjang kaenH OC: ɡaŋ kraansCH 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • VPimake strong representations, make strong remonstrationsCH
    箴諫  zhēn jiàn MC: tsyim kaenH OC: kjum kraansCH 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPabactremonstration; public criticism of rulership policiesCH
    諫爭  jiàn zhēng MC: kaenH tsreang OC: kraans skreeŋLZ 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • VPi(= 諫諍) remonstrate, criticise in publicLZ
      zhèng OC: tjeŋs MC: tɕiɛŋ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • vt[oN]LSCQ, ZGC remonstrate straightforwardly or openly
    彊諫  qiáng jiàn MC: gjang kaenH OC: ɡaŋ kraansCH 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • VPimake strong representations, make strong remonstrationsCH

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