Taxonomy of meanings for 漏:  

  • 漏 lòu (OC: roos MC: ləu) 盧候切 去 廣韻:【漏刻説文曰漏以銅受水刻節晝夜百刻爾雅曰西北隅謂之屋漏又禹耳三漏 】
    • CLOCK
        • result>MOMENT
          • feature>LEAK
            • nabfigurativeBUDDH: what leaks out > afflictions, impurities Willeman: bias
            • vt[oN]be leaky, leak
            • vtoNleak out (water; words)
            • vttoN1.+N2leak (something N1) out to (others N2)
            • vt[oN]figurativeleak out [wealth] > be being robbed of wealth and becoming more and more poorLZ
            • vadNleakingCH
            • result>SHOW
              • generalised>FLOW
                • result>DIRTY
                  • nabfigurativedefilement; impurities> impure biases of attitude
                  • vadNfigurativedefiled
                • result>DRY
                  • result>LOSE
                    • medical>ILLNESS
                      • medium>HOLE
                        • nhole
                    • action>FLEE
                    • =陋STUPID
                      • SURNAMES
                      • lòuNARROW
                        • vadN= lou4 陋: small and shabbyLZ

                      Additional information about 漏

                      說文解字: 【漏】,以銅受水刻節,晝夜百刻。 〖《御覽》引「受」作「盛」。〗 从水、屚聲。 【盧后切】

                      • LEAK

                        1. The current standard word for liquids leaking out of some place in which they are contained is lòu 漏, and the word is commonly used causatively.

                        2. Xiè 泄 is also commonly used in figurative senses.