Taxonomy of meanings for 懼:  

  • 懼 jù (OC: ɡʷas MC: ɡio) 其遇切 去 廣韻:【怖懼其遇切四 】
    • FEAR
      • nabpsychfear; fear as psychological agent or factor
      • vadNfearful, frightened
      • vibe fearful; be scared;
      • vt[oN]spend one's time being afraid of things
      • vt[oN]changebecome frightened; become scared
      • vt[oN]psychbe frightened; be afraid; [of a voice or of a person: be fearful. But this has to be moved CH]
      • vt+prep+N(get to) be afraid of
      • vt+V(0)be afraid to V
      • vt+V[0]be afraid that one might V; be afraid to; be afraid that one V-s
      • vt+V[0]V=passivefear to be V-ed
      • vtoNpassivebe feared
      • vtoNgradedbe afraid (of) and be on one's guard against, be fearful and apprehensive about
      • vtoNpsychfear for (oneself)
      • vtoNPab{S}be afraid that; be scared and worried by the fact that
      • vtoSbe afraid that S 懼有伏焉 "he was afraid there was an ambush"
      • vt(oN)changeget scared
      • vt[0][oS.]adVfigurativeI'm afraid???
      • vt(oN)be afraid of the contextually determinate N
      • vt[0][oS.]adV:postN{SUBJ}parenthetic - I'm afraid -
      •{NUM}generalkinds of fearCH
      • vtoSfear that SCH
      • vadVwith fear, being frightenedLZ
      • causative>FRIGHTEN
        • vtoNcausativescare, frighten; inspire fear in; intimidate
        • vt prep Npassivebe frightened byCH
        • vtoNpassivebe frightenedLZ
      • grammaticalised, parenthetic: one fears>PROBABLE
        • vadVparenthetic: - it is to be feared/I'm afraid -
      • distant>WORRY
        • vipsychbe worriedLZ
    • =瞿

    Additional information about 懼

    說文解字: 【懼】,恐也。从心、瞿聲。 【其遇切】 【愳】,古文。

    • HOPE

      1. The general word for a hope (rather than a wish) yuàn 願 (ant. kǒng 恐 "be very much afraid that"), but the word is rather formal and often tends to express a hope regarding what someone else (typically of higher status) might do. 2. Yù 欲 (ant. kǒng 恐? “be terrified by the thought of", is very commonly used as a general word for an emotionally intense hope that is currently entertained. (The cases where the word clearly invites translation as "hope" and cannot be rendered as "desire" or "wish" are in the hundreds.) 3. Jì 冀 (ant. jù 懼 "fear") typically refers to an unrealistic or distant precarious hope concerning one's own future or other person's future actions. 4. Wàng 望 "look forward to" refers to a hope regarding realistic external events, and not necessary actions by any person, and the word tends to refer to a more realistic concrete hope and expectation than the equally current yuàn 願.

      5. Qī 期 is a definitive realistic hope, often related to one's own future actions.

      6. Xìng 幸 "hope to be so lucky to find that" (ant. wèi 畏 "fear") is part of polite court speech and refers to a high hope presented as not strongly realistic.

      NB: Pàn 盼 is post-Han.

    • FEAR

      1. The most general word for any kind of passing fear is probably jù 懼 and this word naturally links with yōu 憂 "worry", and this word refers to a momentary historical moment where that fear manifested itself ( 文王乃懼 "then King Wén got scared"). Jù sǐ 懼死 is momentary fear for one's life, whereas wèi sǐ 畏死 refers to a general state where one is too frightened to sacrifice one's life.

      2. Kǒng 恐 refers primarily to intense or overwhelming possibly passing state of fear, and the word differs from jù 懼 mainly in degree of intensity and in the managability of the danger faced.

      3. Wèi 畏 is typically a stable state of reasoned fear, typically relating those who are in authority (the etymologically related wēi 威 on which relation there is much word-play in texts like ZUO), or ghosts etc, but the word also has extended generalised uses, as in wèi sǐ 畏死 "be afraid to die".

      4. Jīng 驚 refers to the sudden onset of fear when someone is faced with an unexpected danger.

      5. Lì 栗 / 慄 and zhàn 戰 is to shiver with intense fear, and the physical expression of fear can be more prominent the inner feeling expressed through shivering.

      6. Qiè 怯 "chicken-livered and unlikely to undertake risky tasks" and nuò 懦 (ant. yǒng 勇 "courage, boldness") as well as dàn 憚 "unduly prone to feelings of fear" refer to being pusilanimousness or the lack or courage where courage is required.

      7. Bù 怖 "be in a current acute state of fear" has no weakened generalised uses.

      8. Sǒng 悚 / 聳 "be fretful, given to fear; get slightly frightened" refers to mild forms of (possibly superfluous or reprehensible) fear.

      9. Jì 悸 refers to symptoms of violent heart-beat caused by intense fear.

      NB: Pà 怕 is post-Buddhist (TANG).


      1. The current general word for frightening someone in a lasting way is jīng 驚.

      2. Jù 懼 is used causatively to refer quite generally to striking fear into someone, and this state of fear is usually of short duration.

      3. Kǒng 恐 is sometimes used causatively and intensitively to refer to terrifying someone.

      4. Wèi 畏 is used causatively to refer to striking awe-struck fear into someone, and the word is sometimes used in a more general way for frightening.

      5. Hè 赫 / 嚇 is probably a dialect word referring to the frightening of someone.

      NB: Hǔ 唬 "frighten" is post-Han.

    • DREAM

      1. The current standard word for a dream is mèng 夢.

      2. Xiōng mèng 凶夢 refers to a nightmare.

      ZHOULI 3 占夢:掌其歲時,觀天地之會,辨陰陽之氣。以日月星辰占六夢之吉凶,一曰正夢,二曰噩夢,三曰思夢,四曰寤夢,五曰喜夢,六曰懼夢。季冬,聘王夢,獻吉夢于王,王拜而受之。乃舍萌于四方,以贈惡夢,遂令始難驅疫。

      Word relations
    • Inconsist: (FEAR)勇/COURAGE The standard general word for courage is yǒng 勇 (ant. nuò 懦 "pusillanimousness, chicken-liveredness"), which refers to positive boldness evinced in the face of danger or risk. Cf. fortitudo
    • Ant: (FEAR)喜/DELIGHT Xǐ 喜 (ant. yōu 憂 "worry") is openly manifested delight, manifested in an individual, visible to all, but not normally of any profound significance.
    • Contrast: (FEAR)恐/FEAR Kǒng 恐 refers primarily to intense or overwhelming possibly passing state of fear, and the word differs from jù 懼 mainly in degree of intensity and in the managability of the danger faced.
    • Assoc: (FEAR)恐/FEAR Kǒng 恐 refers primarily to intense or overwhelming possibly passing state of fear, and the word differs from jù 懼 mainly in degree of intensity and in the managability of the danger faced.
    • Assoc: (FEAR)悚/FEAR Sǒng 悚/聳 "be fretful, given to fear; get slightly frightened" refers to mild forms of (possibly superfluous or reprehensible) fear.
    • Assoc: (FEAR)聳 / 悚/FEAR Sǒng 悚/聳 "be fretful, given to fear; get slightly frightened" refers to mild forms of (possibly superfluous or reprehensible) fear.
    • Assoc: (FEAR)惶/FEAR
    • Assoc: (FEAR)憂/WORRY The current general term for all sorts of troubled states of mind, as well as reasons for such states of mind, is yōu 憂 (ant. xǐ 喜 "be well pleased" and lè 樂 "feel deep joy"), and this word may freely refer to troublesome matters of the present or of the future, and the word typiccally refers to a termporary state of hightened awareness of what is troublesome and concern about what should be done about it.
    • Assoc: (FEAR)威/FEAR
    • Assoc: (FRIGHTEN)誡 / 戒/WARN Jiè 誡/戒 (ant. quàn 勸 "encourage") refers specifically to a warning against a certain explicitly specified course of action. The direction of this warning is downwards.
    • Assoc: (FEAR)畏/FEAR Wèi 畏 is typically a stable state of reasoned fear, typically relating those who are in authority (the etymologically related wēi 威 on which relation there is much word-play in texts like ZUO), or ghosts etc, but the word also has extended generalised uses, as in wèi sǐ 畏死 "be afraid to die".
    • Assoc: (FEAR)戒/FEAR
    • Synon: (FEAR)畏/FEAR Wèi 畏 is typically a stable state of reasoned fear, typically relating those who are in authority (the etymologically related wēi 威 on which relation there is much word-play in texts like ZUO), or ghosts etc, but the word also has extended generalised uses, as in wèi sǐ 畏死 "be afraid to die".