Taxonomy of meanings for 懲:  

  • 懲 chéng (OC: dɯŋ MC: ɖɨŋ) 直陵切 平 廣韻:【戒也止也 】
      • vt(oN)control and stop the contextually determinate activity or phenomenon
      • vtoNcontrol and stop 《史記·屈原賈生列傳》:"懲違改忿兮,抑心而自彊。" 王念孫 《讀書雜志·史記五》:"懲,止也;違,恨也。言止其恨,改其忿,抑其心,而自彊勉也。"參見" 懲忿窒欲 "。
      • vtoNreflexive.其心control and correct (one's mind)
    • PUNISH
      • vtoNimpose mild punishment, use punitive sanctions; chastise
      • vtoNmiddle voicebe chastised
      • vt(oN)punish the contextually determinate N
      • vtoNpassiveget punishedLZ
    • WARN
      • vtoNZUO: warn against, reprove
      • DECIDE
        • RISE

          Additional information about 懲

          說文解字: 【懲】,㣻也。从心、徵聲。 【直陵切】

          • REWARD

            1. The current general word for rewarding is shǎng 賞 (ant. fá 罰 "punish" and zhū 誅 "punish").

            2. Láo 勞 (ant. chéng 懲 "punish") focusses on the contribution by those who are being rewarded.

            3. Kào 犒 focusses on the festive character of the ceremony accompanying or constituting the reward.

            4. Bào 報 construes the reward as being an interaction between equals.

            5. Cí 賜 refers to a present to an inferior in recognition of the latter's worth. For most examples see GIVE.

            NB: The meaning of shǎng 賞 "give as a present" is post-Buddhist.

          • CAUTIOUS

            1. The dominant general word referring to wariness and circumspect action is shèn 慎 (ant. hū 忽 "slipshod").

            2. Jǐng 警 (ant. shū 疏 "fail to take seriously") emphasises awareness of danger.

            3. Jiè 戒 (ant. lŸè 略 "fail to take heed") emphasises awareness of previous warnings.

            4. Bì 毖 (ant. chéng 懲 "take one's warning from, take (a matter of a past) as a warning") is an archaic word for being on one's guard.

          • WARN

            1. The current general word for a warning, specific or non-specific, is jǐng 警.

            2. Jiè 誡 / 戒 (ant. quàn 勸 "encourage") refers specifically to a warning against a certain explicitly specified course of action. The direction of this warning is downwards.

            3. Chéng 懲 adds the element of reproof and criticism to that of warning against continued unacceptable action.

            4. Guī 規 refers to a warning which draws attention to the general lawful or proper course of action. The direction of this type of warning can be upwards or downwards.

            5. Zhēn 箴 is an archaic word referring to formal remonstration. The direction of this warning is upwards.

            Word relations
          • Ant: (WARN)勸/ENCOURAGE The dominant current word is quàn 勸 (ant. jǔ 沮 "try to stop") which refers to all kinds of encouragement, both from inferiors and from superiors.