Taxonomy of meanings for 奠:  

  • 奠 diàn (OC: diiŋs MC: den) 堂練切 去 廣韻:【設奠禮注云薦也陳也書傳云定也 】
  • 奠 dìng (OC: diiŋs MC: teŋ) 丁定切 去 廣韻:【同飣 】
    • viactsacrifice to HeavenCH

Additional information about 奠



    1. The most general word for making sacrificial offerings of wine and food to spirits of Heaven, of Earth and to the ancestors (perhaps primarily to the spirits of Earth and of the ancestors) is jì 祭 which has become the most common word in Warring States times, replacing sì 祀, which was more common in SHU and SHI.

    2. Sì4 祀 is an archaic word which refers to the making of sacrificial offerings of wine and food to the spirits of Heaven, of Earth and to the ancestors, perhaps primarily and originally to the spirits of Heaven.

    3. Xiǎng 饗/享 refers to making sacrificial offerings in the form of food to one's ancestors.

    4. Diàn 奠 refers specifically to making formal sacrifices to the deceased not too long after his death.

    5. Là 臘 refers specifically to the winter sacrifice to Heaven and Earth.

    6. Fēng 封 refers to an imperial sacrifice to the spirits of Heaven at mount Taishan, where an altar had to be established for the occasion.

    7. Shàn 禪 refers specifically to the imperial sacrifice to the spirits of the Earth at the foot of mount Taishan,.

    8. Wàng 望 refers to sacrifices to the spirits of mountains and streams.

    9. Yì 瘞 refers to placing something (typically jade, or domestic animals) in the ground as part of or as a form of sacrifice to a deceased person.

    10. Lèi 酹 refers to the pouring of libations of wine on the ground.

  • BURY

    1. Mái 埋 is the very general word for concrete interment, the placing of any object in the ground by digging a whole for it.

    2. The general word for human burial and funeral arrangements is zàng 葬. For the ritual aspects of funeral practice the standard word is sāng 喪. See MOURNING

    3. Bìn 殯 is a formal ritual term referring to the placing of a dead person in a coffin.

    4. Shōu 收 is a formal ritual term for preparing a dead person for formal burial.

    5. Yì 瘞 is a formal ritual term sometimes referring to preliminary or informal burial, but more regularly to the sacrificial burial of gifts for the deceased.

    6. Kēng 坑 is the burying of one or more persons alive, as punishment, or as an emergency burial of large numbers of persons. See EXECUTE

    7. Fù 祔 refers in a formal and technical way to the current practice of burying a person in the same grave as someone else, and to the ritual of placing the name tablet of the deceased next to that of someone with whom he was to be ritual associated.

    8. Gǎi zàng 改葬 refers to ritual reburial.

    9. Sì 肂 is a rare technical term for "preliminary burial".

    10. Biǎn 窆 is a rare technical term for "lower into the grave".

    11. Diàn 奠 refers to the sacrifice before the enterment of the body. See SACRIFICE