Taxonomy of meanings for 屨:  

  • 屨 jù (OC: klos MC: kio) 九遇切 去 廣韻:【履屬方言曰履自關而西謂之屨九遇切十 】
      • npleated straw shoe or sandal; generally: footwear
      • vi.adVwearing straw sandals to VCH
      • viput on one's sandalsCH
    • TREAD ON
      • WEAR
        • EMPLOY

          Additional information about 屨

          說文解字: 【屨】,履也。 〔小徐本無「也」。〕 从履省、婁聲。一曰:鞮也。 〔小徐本無「也」。〕 【九遇切】

          • FOOTWEAR

            1. The most general current word for a shoe is jù 屨, later in Han times lü 履.

            2. Xì 舄 refers to leather shoes with wooden soles that were particularly worn on ritual or formal occasions.

            3. Jī 屐 refers to wooden clogs suitable for bad weather.

            4. Xǐ 屣 refers to straw-made slippers worn inside.

            5. Jué 屩 refers to straw sandals worn outside, suitable for long walks.

            6. Xié 鞋 is rare in pre-Han times and refers to leather shoes that are tied with shoelaces.

            NB: For the parts of shoes see HUANG 758