BURY  埋葬

        • CHANGEEVENT involving two MOMENTS t1 and t2, such that a THING at the MOMENT t1 is DIFFERENT FROM that THING at the MOMENT t2....
See also
    • SACRIFICERITUAL in the form of GIVING gifts to DEITIES.
        Old Chinese Criteria
        1. Mái 埋 is the very general word for concrete interment, the placing of any object in the ground by digging a whole for it.

        2. The general word for human burial and funeral arrangements is zàng 葬. For the ritual aspects of funeral practice the standard word is sāng 喪. See MOURNING

        3. Bìn 殯 is a formal ritual term referring to the placing of a dead person in a coffin.

        4. Shōu 收 is a formal ritual term for preparing a dead person for formal burial.

        5. Yì 瘞 is a formal ritual term sometimes referring to preliminary or informal burial, but more regularly to the sacrificial burial of gifts for the deceased.

        6. Kēng 坑 is the burying of one or more persons alive, as punishment, or as an emergency burial of large numbers of persons. See EXECUTE

        7. Fù 祔 refers in a formal and technical way to the current practice of burying a person in the same grave as someone else, and to the ritual of placing the name tablet of the deceased next to that of someone with whom he was to be ritual associated.

        8. Gǎi zàng 改葬 refers to ritual reburial.

        9. Sì 肂 is a rare technical term for "preliminary burial".

        10. Biǎn 窆 is a rare technical term for "lower into the grave".

        11. Diàn 奠 refers to the sacrifice before the enterment of the body. See SACRIFICE

        HUANG JINGUI 2006

        SACRIFICE 13.







        [ 食+巂 ] ,以酒酹地而祭,側重其少。


        Modern Chinese Criteria





        rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

        • A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages ( BUCK 1988) p. 11.81

        • Lateinische Synonyme und Etymologien ( DOEDERLEIN 1840) p.


          funus refers to the mere carrying out of the dead body of the deceased.

          exsequiae refers to the formal procession of relatives and friends as part of the funeral proceedings.

          pompa refers to the formal procession of relatives and friends as part of the funeral proceedings, but with special reference to the carrying along of symbols and pictures of the deceased.


          sepelire refers to burial as the more or less formal enterment of the remains of a dead person as a proper and technical expression.

          condere reers to burial as a general and softer expression.

          humare refers to bural as despositing a dead body in the earth, as the last part of a burial.

          tumulare "to make a proper mound in the place where the dead body lies".

        • Traite elementaire des synonymes grecques ( DUFOUR 1910) p. 168

        • Verzeichnis und Motivindex der Han-Darstellungen ( FINSTERBUSCH 2000) p. 814

          Totengebet etc

        • China Handbuch ( FRANKE 1974) p. 130

        • Lateinische Synonymik ( MENGE) p. 103

        • Dictionnaire culturel en langue francaise ( REY 2005) p. 4.727

        • 中國文化史三百題 ( SANBAITI 1987) p. 388+404

        • "Sachwoerterbuch zum Alten China" ( UNGER SACH) p.


          GRABGELEITE (burying other persons with the deceased 殉

        • 王力古漢語字典 ( WANG LI 2000) p. 858


        • Chinese Synonyms Usage Dictionary ( TENG SHOU-HSIN 1996) p. 310

        • Encyclopedia of Religion ( JONES 2005) p.


        • Realencyklopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft ( PAULY 1894-1973) p. 3.331


        • Handwörterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens ( BAECHTHOLD-STAEUBLI 1987) p. 1.978

        • Encyclopedia of Comparative Iconography ( ROBERTS 1998) p. 347

        • Bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprachinhaltsforschung. Teil II. Systematischer Teil. B. Ordnung nach Sinnbezirken (mit einem alphabetischen Begriffsschluessel): Der Mensch und seine Welt im Spiegel der Sprachforschung ( FRANKE 1989) p. 73A

        Attributions by syntactic funtion

        • vtoN : 100
        • nab : 26
        • vt(oN) : 15
        • VPtoN : 8
        • vt[oN] : 8
        • VPt(oN) : 3
        • NPab : 3
        • n : 2
        • vttoN1.+N2 : 1
        • vtt(oN1.)+N2 : 1
        • nab.adN : 1
        • vt(oN1.)post-VtoN2 : 1
        • VPtpost-.vt+N{OBJ} : 1
        • NP : 1
        • vttoN1.+prep+N2 : 1
        • vt+prep+N : 1

        Attributions by text

        • 春秋左傳 : 58
        • 論衡 : 21
        • 禮記 : 17
        • 淮南子 : 15
        • 搜神記 : 7
        • 史記 : 7
        • 韓非子 : 7
        • 論語 : 5
        • 呂氏春秋 : 4
        • 莊子 : 4
        • 春秋穀梁傳 : 4
        • 墨子 : 3
        • 臨濟錄 : 3
        • 荀子 : 2
        • 孝經 : 2
        • 孟子 : 2
        • 新論-漢-桓譚 : 2
        • 祖堂集 : 2
        • 新序 : 1
        • 阮籍集四卷 : 1
        • 賢愚經 : 1
        • 百喻經 : 1
        • 戰國策 : 1
        • 晏子春秋 : 1
        • 韓詩外傳 : 1
        • 文子 : 1


          zàng OC: tsaaŋs MC: tsɑŋ 62 AttributionsWD

        The general word for human burial and funeral arrangements is zàng 葬. For the ritual aspects of funeral practice the standard word is sāng 喪. See MOURNING

          Word relations
        • Epithet: 厚/ABUNDANT Hòu 厚 (ant. báo 薄 "meagerly supplied with something") primarily refers to man-made or man-caused generous abundance, prototypically in contexts such as hospitality or exchange of presents. >>ARTIFICIAL

          Syntactic words
        • nabactpractice of burying; burial; funeral; the funeral proceedings; the cortège
        • vt(oN)bury the contextually determiante person
        • vt+prep+Npassivebe buried at/in
        • vt[oN]conduct burials; conduct a burial
        • vtoNbury, inter
        • vtoNpassiveget buried NB: 而葬此
        • vtt(oN1.)+N2bury the contextually determinate person N1 at the place N2
        • vttoN1.+N2burry N1 at the place N2DS
          mái OC: mɢrɯɯ MC: mɣɛi
          mái OC: mɢrɯɯ MC: mɣɛi 40 AttributionsWD

        Mái 埋 is the very general word for concrete interment, the placing of any object in the ground by digging a whole for it.

          Syntactic words
        • nabactfuneral
        • vt(oN)bury
        • vtoNbury by simply digging (someone) into the ground; dig (objects) into the ground
        • vtoNN=nonhudig (something) ritually into the ground (without the use of a coffin)
        • vtoNobject=inanimatebury (something other than remains of animate beings)
        • vttoN1.+prep+N2figurativecause N1 to sink into N2 (as into a hole in the ground)
          bìn OC: pins MC: pin 17 AttributionsWD

        Bìn 殯 is the placing of a dead person in a coffin.

          Syntactic words
        • nabactthe placing of the corpse into the coffin
        • vt(oN)put the contextually determinate person/ the deceased into a coffin to await burial DCD 1.死者入殮后停柩以待葬。
        • vtoNput into a coffin for burial
        • vtoNpassivebe encoffined; be put into a coffin
          sāng OC: smaaŋ MC: sɑŋ 14 AttributionsWD

        Sāng 喪 is a common-use ritual term for funeral arrangements.

          Word relations
        • Relat: 哀/GRIEF The current general word for deep sorrow is āi 哀 (ant. lè 樂 "profound joy"), and this word refers to an inner state of mind that typically finds expression in ritualised action.

          Syntactic words
        • nab.adNfuneralLZ
        • nabactburial; funeral
        • vt[oN]bury deceasedCH
        • vtoNconduct proper funeral rites for (the dead)
          kēng OC: khraaŋ MC: khɣaŋ 8 AttributionsWD

        Kēng 坑 is the buring of one or more persons alive, as punishment, or as an emergency burial of large numbers of persons. See EXECUTE

          Syntactic words
        • nabactmass burial in a ditch
        • vtoNbury alive in a pit 坑儒生
        • vtoNmiddle voicebe buried in a ditch
          xùn OC: sɢʷlins MC: zʷin 4 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • nabactthe burying of others to honour a distinguished deceased person
        • nobjectperson buried to honour a distinguished deceased individual
        • vtoNfigurativelead to death in a higher cause; destroy for a higher cause
          Click here to add pinyin OC:  MC: 4 AttributionsWD

        Fù 祔 refers to the current practice of burying a person in the same grave as someone else, and to the ritual of placing the name tablet of the deceased next to that of someone with whom he was to be ritual associated.

          Syntactic words
        • vt[oN]bury husband and wife together
        • vtoNbury (someone) in a shared grave
        改葬  gǎi zàng OC: klɯɯʔ tsaaŋs MC: kəi tsɑŋ 4 AttributionsWD

        Gǎi zàng 改葬 refers to ritual reburial.

          Syntactic words
        • VPt(oN)rebury the contextually determinate person
        • VPtoNrebury
        葬埋  zàng mái OC: tsaaŋs mɢrɯɯ MC: tsɑŋ mɣɛi 4 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • NPabactburial in general; the practice of burying people
        • VPtoNN=humanbury
        • VPtoNN=nonhubury
          shōu OC: qjiw MC: ɕɨu 2 AttributionsWD

        Shōu 收 is to prepare a dead person for formal burial.

          Syntactic words
        • vtoNcollect for burial
        • vtoNpassivebe collected for burial
          zàng OC: sɡaaŋs MC: dzɑŋ 2 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vtoNbury
        瘞埋  yì mái OC: qrebs mɢrɯɯ MC: ʔiɛi mɣɛi 2 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPt(oN)ombury the contextually determinate person
        • VPtoNpassiveget buried
          bèng OC: pɯɯŋs MC: pəŋ 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • vt[oN]put the body in the ground
          liǎn OC: ɡ-romʔ MC: liɛm 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • vt(oN1.)post-VtoN2bury the contextually determinate N1 V-ing the N2
          sì OC: plils MC: si 1 AttributionWD

        Sì 肂is a rare technical term for "preliminary burial".

          Syntactic words
        • vtoNbury preliminarily
        • vtoNpassivebe put in a preliminary shallow grave
        殯葬  bìn zàng OC: pins tsaaŋs MC: pin tsɑŋ 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNbury in a proper ritual style
        火葬  huǒ zàng OC: qphaalʔ tsaaŋs MC: hʷɑ tsɑŋ 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • vt[oN]to bury with fire > cremate
        為殉  wéi xùn OC: ɢʷal sɢʷlins MC: ɦiɛ zʷin 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtpost-.vt+N{OBJ}bury N together with a deceased noble person
        窀穸  zhūn xī OC: tun MC: ʈʷin ziɛk 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • NPabactburial
        安措  ān cuò cù MC: 'an tshuH OC: qaan skhaaɡsLZ 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNburyLZ
        宅兆  zhái zhào MC: draek drjewX OC: brlaaɡ ɡrlewʔLZ 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • NPburial placeLZ
        收藏  shōu zàng MC: syuw dzangH OC: qjiw sɡaaŋsDS 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPt(oN)藏通葬: bury the contextually determinate NDS
          cuò OC: skhaaɡ MC: tshɑk 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vtoNput to rest> bury (compare 措"put")
          jìn OC: ɡrɯns MC: gin 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vtoNbury
          yì OC: qrebs MC: ʔiɛi 0 AttributionsWD

        Yì 瘞 refers to preliminary or informal burial.

          Syntactic words
        • vtoNHOUHANSHU: provide an informal burial for 瘞而不葬 "bury informally without proper ritual burial"
        • vtoNpassivebe buried in a preliminary or informal way
          biǎn OC: proms MC: piɛm 0 AttributionsWD

        Biǎn 窆 is a rare technical term for lowering a dead body into the grave

          Syntactic words
        • vtoNlower (coffin) into the grave ZHOULI
          mái OC: mɢrɯɯ MC: mɣɛi 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vtoNbury
        喪葬  sàng zàng OC: smaaŋs tsaaŋs MC: sɑŋ tsɑŋ 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • NPabactfuneral arrangements of all kinds
        送終  sòng zhōng OC: sooŋs tjuŋ MC: suŋ tɕuŋ 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • nabactfuneral
          bái OC: braaɡ MC: bɣɛk 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vadNrelated to funeral activities (at which white garments were worn)
        埋卻  mái què OC: mɢrɯɯ khaɡ MC: mɣɛi khi̯ɐk 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoN
          Click here to add pinyin MC:  OC: LZ 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • NPburial placeLZ

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