Taxonomy of meanings for 創:  

  • 創 chuāng (OC: skhraŋ MC: tʂʰiɐŋ) 初良切 平 廣韻:【説文曰傷也禮曰頭有創則沐今作瘡初良切又初亮切三 】
    • DAMAGE
      • vtoNdamage, cut short (one's life)
    • INJURE
      • vtoNlacerate
    • INJURY
      • ncwound, laceration; dent (caused by an axe in a tree)
    • CUT
      • = 瘡
    • 創 chuàng (OC: skhraŋs MC: tʂʰiɐŋ) 初亮切 去 廣韻:【同𠛝又初良切 】
      • CREATE
        • vtoNcreate from scratch, build up ZGC: 刱邑"establish a city"
        • vtoNcreate, start up; write up from scratch
      • WRITE
        • PUNISH
          • WHEN
            • BUILD
              • SURPASS
              • 創 chuàng (OC: skhraŋs MC: tʂʰiɐŋ) 初亮切 去 廣韻:【 】
              • 創 chuāng (OC: skhraŋ MC: tʂʰiɐŋ) 初良切 平 廣韻:【俗創 】
              • 創 chuàng (OC: shraŋ MC: tʂʰiɐŋ) 初亮切 去 廣韻:【初也説文曰造法剏業也初亮切四 】

                Additional information about 創

                說文解字: 【刅】,傷也。从刃、从一。 【楚良切】 【創】,或从刀、倉聲。 〔小徐本作「刅或從倉。」〕 【臣鉉等曰:今俗別作瘡,非是也。】

                • INJURE

                  1. The clearly dominant general term referring to the inflicting of bodily harm is shāng 傷. (But note that the word also currently refers to mental harm and psychological distress.)

                  2. Chuàng 創 primarily refers to the inflicting of serious external wounds and never has any psychological overtones or implications, but there are occasional usages where the word has a metaphorical sense of inflicting pain or damage on things other than physical bodies.

                  3. Jí 疾 refers to the inflicting of typically internal physical harm other than external laceration.

                  4. Cuò 挫 refers to deliberate maltreatment involving the inflicting of wounds.

                • CREATE

                  1. The most general word is probably wéi 為 and this is sometimes used to refer to the act of cultural invention or creation, and the connotation may be positive or negative. The word focusses on the act of making something as such rather than the product as such.

                  2. Zuò 作 (ant. shù 述 "transmit") focusses on an autonomous initiative being taken, and the word can refer to a commendable act of creation as well as a reprehensible act of political disobedience. The word focusses on the product resulting of the action.

                  3. Zào 造 is prototypically to fashion in the manner of a potter or founder, but the word often has a nuance of the arbitrary and comes to mean something like "fabricate". See also PRODUCE

                  4. Chuàng 創 (ant. jì 繼 "continue a line") is a rare word referring to the initiative to start something.

                  5. Zào huà 造化 refers to both the process of creation, and of spontaneous cosmic transformation.

                • INJURY

                  1. The current general word for an injury is shāng 傷.

                  2. Chuàng 創 refers very concretely to the wound inflicted, the laceration of the skin.

                  Word relations
                • Object: (CREATE)業/OFFICE Yè 業 refers to the traditional profession of a person and does not normally or necessarily relate to a place or to the bureaucratic system.
                • Synon: (CREATE)立/ESTABLISH The current general word for setting up anything abstract or concrete is lì 立 and the almost equally common shè 設.