Taxonomy of meanings for 輕:  

  • 輕 qīng (OC: kheŋ MC: kʰiɛŋ) 廣韻:去盈切 平【輕重去盈切三 】
      • vibe of comparatively little physical weight, light
      • vadNfigurativelightly armed (and therefore nimble-footed)
      • vtoNputativeoccasionally in derived verbal sense: regard as light and easy to lift up
      • vadVlightly, easily, without compunction
      • vadNlight (cloaks etc)
      • nabactnon-severe treatment
      • vichangebecome lighter
      • vtoNcausativecause to become light; cause to become lighter
      • vifigurative"light"
      • vtoNcausativecause to be less substantial
      • vt+prep+Nbe lighter thanCH
      • physical> WEAK
        • vibe powerless, be weak
        • nabstativecurrent state of weakness
        • vichangebecome weaker, we weakened
        • abstract UNIMPORTANT
          • vipowerlessbe lightweight, be powerless; lose power
          • vtoNgradedtake lightly, think little of, refuse to take seriously
          • vigraded(of things) be unimportant, be of no great significance 甚輕
          • vadNfigurativelight (offences etc)
          • vtoNpassivebe taken lightly, not be taken seriously
          • vtoNpassivebe regarded as unimportant
          • vtoNattitudinaltreat as unimportant
          • v[adN]nonreferentialthose who are unimportant, lightweight
          • vt+V[0]find it unimportant to VERB
          • vtoNputative.reflex.自consider (oneself, one's own affairs) as unimportant; lack self-esteem
          • vtoNputativeregard (oneself) as unimportant
          • v[adN]unimportant ones; unimportant things
        • attitudinal> DESPISE
          • vtoNputativemake light of; think little of; be not afraid of; to slight, hold in disrespect, to fail to show the proper respect for (the law etc)
          • vtoNpassivebe despised
          • vttoN1.+N2despise N1 for N2CH
        • declarative> FORGIVE
          • vtoNcausativecause (punishments etc) to be lenient
          • psychological> FRIVOLOUS
            • vadVlightly, without proper consideration of a matter
            • vifigurativebe easy-going; superficial; frivolous; be flippant; lack gravity and seriousness and be therefore over-confident
            • exocentric: joy> DELIGHT
              • vifeel elated??
      • economic> CHEAP
        • vicheap
      • practically> EASY
        • vt+V[0]fail to take the matter of V-ing seriously; find it easy to; be easily ready to;
        • vadNeasily obtained (profit etc)
        • vadVeasily
        • vibe easy; need little effort; be effortless
      • capable of moving fast> QUICK
        • vilight-footed, nimble-footed; fickle
      • exocentric: vehicle> CHARIOT
        • nlight chariot
  • 輕 qìng (OC: kheŋs MC: kʰiɛŋ) 廣韻:墟正切 【墟正切又去盈切一 】???
    • CHEAP
      • vicheap

    Additional information about 輕

    說文解字: 【輕】,輕車也。从車、巠聲。 【去盈切】

    • SEVERE

      1. The current general commendatory term for severeness is yán 嚴 (ant. kuān 寬 "lax").

      2. Zhuāng 莊 (ant. qīng 輕 "unserious") and the somewhat less common jīn 矜 add to the notion of a mild form of severeness the nuance of dignified appearance.

      3. Sù 肅 (ant. zī 恣 "easy-going") emphasises sternness of attitude.

      4. Lì 厲 (wēn 溫 "mild") emphasises a willingness to use violence in the administration of government without passing a strong negative or positive judgment on this attitude.

      5. Kè 刻 (ant. hé 和 "moderate") refers disparagingly to an excessive willingness to use violence in the administration of government.

      6. Zhòng 重 (ant. qīng 輕 "unserious") refers abstractly to the severeness of punishments.

      7. Jù4n 峻 (ant. píng 平 "even-handed") refers dramatically to the savageness of punishments.

      8. Kē 苛 and kù 酷 (ant.* rén 仁 "kind-hearted" and bù rěn 不忍 "be unable to stand") refer to flagrant extravagance in the severeness of punishments.

    • CHEAP

      1. The dominant word is jiàn 賤 (ant. guì 貴 "expensive"), which describes something as low in quality and therefore also in price.

      2. Qīng 輕 (ant. zhòng 重 "expensive") is an economic technical term for something being low in price.


      1. The most widely used general word for contempt is qīng 輕 (ant. zhòng 重 "rate as important"), and the word typically describes an attitude based on a critical judgment. See also UNIMPORTANT

      2. Yì 易 (ant. zhòng 重 "treat as important") focusses on the subjective failure to take someone or something seriously and does not necessarily involve a critical judgment.

      3. Bēi 卑 (ant. zūn 尊 "venerate as distinguished") refers to regarding a person as characterised by his or her low social standing.

      4. Jiàn 賤 (guì 貴 "hold in high esteem" and jìng 敬 "respect") are to regard someone as vulgar, and typically as of slight moral worth.

      5. Hòu 後 (ant. xiān 先 "put first") is to fail to show proper respect for someone.

      6. Xiǎo 小 and shǎo 少 (ant. duō 多 "rate highly") expresses a negative judgment on the significance of a person or thing.

      7. Ào 傲 adds the nuance of arrogance to the notion of contempt.

      8. Miè 蔑 "to regard someone with no respect" describes a purely psychological attitude.

      9.Mà4n 慢 refers to a demonstrative failure to show proper respect for someone.

      10. Dú 瀆 refers to a disrespectful attitude or disregard for someone or something.

    • EASY

      1. The current general word for easiness of actions is yì 易 (ant. nán 難 "difficult").

      2. Qīng 輕 "light" is sometimes used to effortlessness of every kind.

      3. Líng 泠 is a poetic word referring to graceful effortless ease of movement.


      1. The most general term for the relative importance and crucial nature of something is yào 要 (ant. xì 細 ).

      2. Zhòng 重 (ant. qīng 輕 "of no consequence") focusses on what carries considerable weight in a certain context.

      3. Zhǔ 主 (ant. cì 次 "secondary") refers to what is crucial and primary, or dominant, in a certain context.

      4. Běn 本 (ant. mò 末 ) refers to what is basic and and a matter of substance in a context.

      5. Shǒu 首 (wěi 尾 / mò 末 ) refers what deserves to come first or what deserves to be regarded of first importance.

      6. Jí 極 refers to the ultimate most elevated point of something.

      7. Jī 機 refers to the crucial mechanism that makes something work properly.


      1. The current general term for unimportance is qīng 輕 (ant. zhòng 重 "important").

      2. Mò 末 (ant. běn 本 "basic and important")) refers to something being marginal as opposed to other things that are central or crucial.

      3. Xì 細 (ant. jù 巨 "of tremendous importance") and wēi 微 (ant. dà 大 "of great importance") refer to things being trifling and without serious impact on a situation.

      4. Huǎn 緩 (ant. jí 急 "urgent and important") refers to something being less important because it is less urgent.

      5. Xiǎo 小 (ant. dà 大 "of great importance") is sometimes used as a colourless term denying the importance of something.


      1. The current word for a military chariot is shèng 乘 usually drawn by four horses.

      2. Róng 戎 is a old general word for chariots which was already rare by Warring States times.

      3. Cháo chē 轈車 refers to a high observation chariot.

      4. Qīng chē 輕車 refers to a highly mobile light and quick chariot.

      5. Zī zhòng 輜重 refers to military vehicles used to transport weapons and supplies.

      6. Fén yūn/wēn 轒榡 refers to a four-wheel covered roofed chariot with the baldachin made of ox hide.

      For illustrations of these see 中國古代兵器圖冊 (Huang Jingui)


      1. The standard word for something being of little weight is qīng 輕, and I have not found any current near-synonyms.


      1. The current general and neutral word for lack of seriousness is qīng 輕 (ant. zhuāng 莊 "serious").

      2. Fú 浮 sometimes refers to the kind of flippancy or frivolousness that might call for criticism but is not viewed as entirely serious.

      3. Fān fān 幡幡 is a poetic word referring to someone who has lost the dignified stance that would give him authority.

    • ADMIRE











      1. The standard general word for admiration is mù 慕 (ant. bǐ 鄙 "hold in low esteem"), and this word often connotes emulation.


      2. Wàng 望 refers to an intense distant admiration of some heroic or in any way especially elevated figure.


      3. Yǎng 仰 (ant.* yì 易 "have no special respect for") refers to a distant veneration of some heroic or in any way especially elevated figure.


      4. Shàng 尚 (ant. qīng 輕 "have no special respect for") refers to giving high practical priority to something or someone out of a sense of admiration or appreciation.


      5. Shàng 上 (ant. xià 下 "despise, have no special respect for") refer to giving high practical priority to something out of a sense of admiration or appreciation.


      6. Yòu 右 (ant. qīng 輕 "have no special respect for") refer to giving high practical priority to something or someone out of a sense of admiration or appreciation.


      7. Měi 美 (ant. è 惡 "find despicable an dislikable") refers to an intense expressly subjective aesthetic or moral appreciation for something as admirable.


      8. Duō 多 (ant. shǎo 少 "feel no respect for") refers to an objective assessment of something as worthy of admiration.


      9. Xiàn 羨 refers to rather personal and private admiration for something, and this admiration is sometimes mixed with envy.


    • HEAVY

      1. The dominant term is zhòng 重 (ant. qīng 輕 "light").

      Word relations
    • Ant: (LIGHTWEIGHT)重/HEAVY The dominant term is zhòng 重 (ant. qīng 輕 "light").
    • Ant: (UNIMPORTANT)重/IMPORTANT Zhòng 重 (ant. qīng 輕"of no consequence") focusses on what carries considerable weight in a certain context.
    • Ant: (WEAK)重/POWER Zhòng 重 refers to the actual political influence a person may have.
    • Object: (DESPISE)死/DIE The dominant general word is sǐ 死 (ant. shēng 生"be alive"), and this can refer to the death of plants as well as animals or men.
    • Epithet: (LIGHTWEIGHT)裘/CLOAK By far the most common word for a cloak or fur coat is qiú 裘, but the word refers specifically to the fur coat of which the fur turned towards the outside.
    • Epithet: (LIGHTWEIGHT)車 / 車/VEHICLE The current general term for a vehicle is chē 車, a term which also refers even more generally to all contraptions with wheels
    • Synon: (UNIMPORTANT)微/UNIMPORTANT Xì 細 (ant. jù 巨 "of tremendous importance") and wēi 微 (ant. dà 大 "of great importance") refer to things being trifling and without serious impact on a situation