Taxonomy of meanings for 返:  

  • 返 fǎn (OC: panʔ MC: pʷiɐn) 府遠切 上 廣韻:【還也 】
      • vadVcontrary to expectations, against all expectations; conversely; on the contrary; contrary to intentions; on the other hand
      • vtoNbe the opposite of NLZ
    • GIVE
      • vttoN1.+N2return (property N2) to (owner N1)
    • RETURN
      • vtoNN=placereturn to 反國
      • vt[oN]actreturn, get back to where one came from; make one's return; flee back
      • vtoNiussiveorder to return; permissive: allow to return; release ( of captatives); send back
      • vt+prep+NN=placereturn (somewhere or to somebody)
      • vt(oN)return to the determinate place
      • nabactreturn
      • vtoNfigurativerevert to
      • vtoNfromreturn from
      • vt+prep+Nfromget back from (the journey to)
      • vt[oN]actbe on one's way back
      • vtoNcausativemake (oneself) return
      • vt[oN]return homeCH
      • vttoN1.+N2figurativecausative: apply N1 back to N2CH
      • vtoNfigurativeto get back to (a topic in speech etc)CH
      • viactturn backCH
    • OPPOSE
      • vt prep Nreject the use ofCH
    • CHANGE

      Additional information about 返

      說文解字: 【返】,還也。从辵、反,反亦聲。《商書》曰:祖甲返。 【扶版切】 【𢓉】,《春秋傳》返从彳。

      • RETURN

        1. The standard general word for returning to where one belongs is guī1 歸 (zhī 之 "go to").

        2. Fǎn 反 / 返 (ant. wǎng 往 "set out for") is to get back to where one came from, and the focus is on whereto one returns. 及反 is "when he had got back", 未反 is "before he had god back". 反哭 is wailing upon one's return, not while returning.

        3. Huán 還 (ant. wǎng 往 "set out for") typically refers to turning round and preparing to retrace one's steps or one's route, very often after a military or civil engagement, successful or unseccessful, and the focus is on wherefrom one returns. 還 as a subordinate sentence is "when he was on his way back". See TURN ROUND

        4. Fù 復 (ant. lí 離 "quit") is sometimes used for returning to or regaining a position.

        Word relations
      • Ant: (RETURN)往/LEAVE Wǎng 往 (ant.* jū 居 "stay at home") focusses not only on the leaving but especially on the direction a person takes after leaving.
      • Assoc: (RETURN)還/RETURN Huán 還 (ant. wǎng 往 "set out for") typically refers to turning round and preparing to retrace one's steps or one's route, very often after a military or civil engagement, successful or unseccessful, and the focus is on wherefrom one returns. 還 as a subordinate sentence is "when he was on his way back". See TURN ROUND