Taxonomy of meanings for 鋒:  

  • 鋒 fēng (OC: phoŋ MC: pʰioŋ) 敷容切 平 廣韻:【劒刃鋒也 】
    • ARMY
      • ncollectivevanguard of a military formation
    • BLADE
      • npoint of a dagger or sword, sharp point at the end of an edge.
      • nadVto V like a dagger, to V like a spikeVK
    • TIP
      • STRONG
        • SHARP
          • PLOUGH
            • WEATHER
              • = 蜂
            • fēngBEE
              • nadVlike N(= feng1 蜂) to V like beesLZ

            Additional information about 鋒


            • BLADE

              1. The general current word for the cutting edge of an instrument is rèn 刃.

              2. Ruì 銳 refers to the sharp point of a weapon which normally does not have an edge.

              3. Fēng 鋒 refers to the sharp point at the end of the edge of a weapon.

              NB: máng 鋩 "sharp point of a weapon" is not current in pre-Buddhist Chinese.