Taxonomy of meanings for 酒:  

  • jiǔ (OC: skluʔ MC: tsiu) 子酉切 上 廣韻:【酒醴戰國䇿曰帝女儀狄作而進於禹亦云杜康作元命包曰酒乳也又酒泉縣在肅州匈奴傳云水甘如酒因以名之亦姓也子酉切一 】
    • ale (not wine)> LIQUOR
      • nmale; alcohol
      • nthe container with the aleCH
      • nmdefinitethe ale/alcoholic drink in questionCH
      • nm+Vtnm=objectthe ale (functioning as objet)CH
      • nadNwith alcohol; containing alcoholDS
      • exocentric: occasion for> FEAST
        • nabactdrinking party
      • consume> DRINK
        • nabactthe drinking of a toast, a toast; the consumption of wine; wine-drinking
        • vt[oN]poculate, drink wine
        • vtoNdrink

    Additional information about 酒

    說文解字: 【酒】,就也,所以就人性之善惡。从水、从酉,酉亦聲。一曰:造也,吉凶所造也。 〔小徐本「所造」下有「起」。〕 古者儀狄作酒醪,禹嘗之而美,遂䟽儀狄。 〔小徐本「䟽」作「疏」。〕 杜康作秫酒。 【子酉切】

    • TOAST

      1. The host offering a first toast to his guest is xiàn 獻 (xiàn jiǔ 獻酒 ) "offer a toast to the guest".

      2. The guest toasting back at a feast is zuò 醋 / 酢 "offer a toast back to the host".

      3. The host responding to the guest's toast is chóu 酬 "toast back to the guest".

    • FEAST

      1. The current general term for a feast is yàn 宴 / 燕.

      2. Jiǔ 酒 and yǐn 飲 both refer to a drinking party where alcohol is served.

      3. Xiǎng 餉 / 饗 / 饟 refers to an elaborate festive repast.

      NB: Yán 筵 and xí 席 are post-Han words for a feast.

      Word relations
    • Object: (LIQUOR)嗜 / 耆/DESIRE Shì 嗜 (ant. wù 惡 "dislike") refers to a stable and deeply ingrained constant desire for something.
    • Object: (LIQUOR)甘/DESIRE Gān 甘 derives its special force from the culinary meaning "have a taste for" and refers to any predilection, typically for material things.
    • Object: (LIQUOR)進/HAND UP Jìn 進 is a very common bureaucratic word for submitting something to a superior.
    • Epithet: (LIQUOR)厚/SAVOURY Hòu 厚 refers the rich good taste of food.
    • Epithet: (LIQUOR)觴/CUP Shāng 觴 is in late Warring States and Han times general term for a wine cup. It can often refer to bēi 杯.
    • Epithet: (LIQUOR)敗/ROTTEN Bài 敗(ant. gù 固 "firm and unimpaired") focusses on radical or essential changes brought about by the rotting process.
    • Assoc: (LIQUOR)脯/DRIED MEAT
    • Assoc: (LIQUOR)食/FOOD The general term for food is shí 食 and this includes food as well as drink and can refer generally to one's livelihood, also to staple foods as opposed to delicacies involving meat, such as kuài 膾 "minced meat, raw".
    • Relat: (LIQUOR)飲/DRINK The dominant word for imbibing any liquid, alcoholic or non-alcoholic is yǐn 飲.