Taxonomy of meanings for 闊:  

  • 闊 kuò (OC: khood MC: kʰʷɑt) 苦栝切 入 廣韻:【廣也逺也䟽也苦括切六 】

    Additional information about 闊


    • BROAD

      1. The standard general word is guǎng 廣 (ant. xiá 狹 "narrow") referring to anything of get spatial extension, also in various metaphorical senses.

      2. Bó 博 (ant. yuē 約 "confined") is primarily metaphorical in application, and its concrete senses applied to physical objects are derived senses of the word only.

      3. Kuàng 曠 adds to the feature of broadness and wide space that of emptiness.

      4. Kuò 闊 (ant. xiá 狹 "narrow") adds to the concept of broadness of spatial extent that of remote distance, and the word was late to enter the pre-Buddhist language.

      5. Kuān 寬 (ant. zhǎi 窄 "narrow") is recorded as meaning "broad" in SHUOWEN and is so used in HOUHANSHU, but the word was predominantly used in metaphorical senses like "broad-minded, forgiving, not strict", and related to huì 惠 "generous".

    • NARROW

      1. The current general word for narrowness is xiá 狹 (ant. kuān 寬 "broad") which refers quite generally to the small size of any opening.

      2. Ài 隘 typically, but not always, connotes difficult military access.

      3. Lòu 陋 (ant.* kuò 闊 "in grand style") refers only indirectly to narrowness of a street as an indication of its undistinguished character. The word focusses on this undistinguished character and is quite marginal in this group.