Taxonomy of meanings for 蹇:  

  • 蹇 jiǎn (OC: kanʔ MC: kiɐn) 居偃切 上 廣韻:【跛也屯難也亦卦名又居免切 】
  • 蹇 jiǎn (OC: kranʔ MC: kɯiɛn) 九輦切 上 廣韻:【跛也屯難也又姓秦有蹇叔九輦切十一 】
  • jiǎnOPPOSE
    • vtoNbe in conflict with, offend againstCH
  • qiānLIFT
    • vtoNlift, pull up (one's dress)CH

Additional information about 蹇

說文解字: 【蹇】,跛也。从足、寒省聲。 【臣鉉等案:《易》:王臣蹇蹇。今俗作謇,非。】 【九輦切】

  • LIMP

    1. The most general term for any form of impaired movement is jiǎn 蹇.

    2. Bǒ3 跛 refers specifically to an impaired ability to walk or to limping.

    3. Qī 踦 refers specifically to hobbling along on one leg.

    4. Chuō 踔 refers to hopping along on malfunctioning legs.