Taxonomy of meanings for 辱:  

  • 辱 rǔ (OC: njoɡ MC: ȵiok) 而蜀切 入 廣韻:【恥辱又汚也惡也又姓出姓苑而蜀切十一 】
    • SHAME
      • DIRTY
        • HUMILIATE
          • nabactpublic humiliation
          • nabeventhumiliation suffered
          • vtoNN=humanhumiliate publicly; humiliate (by my presence)
          • vtoNpassivebe humiliated
          • vtoNcausativeCAUSE TO BE PUBLICLY HUMILIATED> expose to public humiliation
          • vtoNpsychhumiliate (oneself), expose (oneself) to public shame
          • vadVhumiliating yourself> humbly
          • vt+prep+Nmiddle voicehumiliate yourself in> condescend to go to
        • DISAPPOINT
        • reflexive, polite> humbly>HUMBLE
          • AGREE TO
            • vt+V[0]humiliate oneself by V-ing; condescend to V-ing; demean oneself by V-ing
            • nabactkind agreement to do a favour
          • VISIT
            • nabactthe having made the humiliating effort> polite visit
            • vtoNcondescend to visit, do N the honour of a visit
            • vt+prep+Ndo N the honour of a visit
            • vt(oN)condescend to visit the contextually determinate person
          • =溽MOIST
            • SURNAMES
            • DISGRACE
              • vadNignominious, characterised by a sense of public humiliation and shame
              • vadNpassivedisgraced, humiliated
              • vigradedbecome more and more disgraced
              • vimiddle voicefeel publicly humiliated; get publicly humiliated
              • vt+V[0]putativeregard as ignominious/shameful
              • vtoNcausativebring ignominy/shame upon (oneself)
              • vtoNN=nonhudisgrace, reduce to ignominy/shame; bring disgrace upon
              • vtoNputativeregard as ignominious, regard as disgraceful
              • nabeventignominy; humiliating public shame
              • nab(-post-N)ignominy; disgraceCH
              • nab{PRED}be an ignominy; be a shameful public disgraceCH
              • visubject=nonhumanbe disgracefulLZ

            Additional information about 辱

            說文解字: 【辱】,恥也。从寸在辰下。失耕時於封畺,上戮之也。 〔小徐本「之」下無「也」。〕 辰者,農之時也。故房星爲辰,田候也。 【而蜀切】

            • HUMILIATE

              1. The general word for personally and demonstratively humiliating and insulting a person is wǔ 侮 (ant. lǐ 禮 "treat politely, show proper politeness towards").

              2. Rǔ 辱 stresses in the notion of humiliating insult that of demonstratively inflicting a lasting public disgrace.

              3. Xiū 羞 is occasionally used to refer to reducing someone to personal and intimate feelings of personal shame.

            • SHAME

              1. The most current word referring to private feelings of shame is xiū 羞 "feel intensely morally ashamed of oneself",

              2. The most current word for public shame or disgrace with regard to an action, the core of which is public opinion, is chǐ 恥, proper respect for which is also called chǐ 恥 "sense for what is publicly disgraceful".

              3. Rǔ 辱 refers to public humiliation and public disgrace typically caused by overt actions or reactions of others.

              4. Kuì 愧 expresses a mixture of shame and embarrassment, and the word is the only shame-word to be used as a reflexive verb meaning "be ashamed of and embarrassed about oneself".

              5. Cán 慚 "feel embarrassed and ill at ease about something" is often close to a feeling of 不好意思, and it may naturally apply to things one has said rather than done. Note the current 心慚 "feel inwardly ashamed".

              6. Zuò 怍 refers to being or becoming (typically, but not always, visibly on one's face) upset, typically by feelings of shame.


              7. Nǎn 赧 refers to the external manifestation of feelings of shame through blushing, but the term is not common in pre-Buddhist literature and is marginal in the group.

              Word relations
            • Result: (DISGRACE)僇 / 戮/KILL
            • Ant: (DISGRACE)寵/FAVOURITE The current general word for enjoying favourite status is xìng 幸 (ant.* qì 棄 "be rejected as favourite; rejected"); and the standard general word for showing favour to a favourite is chǒng 寵.
            • Ant: (DISGRACE)榮/FAMOUS Róng 榮 (ant. rǔ 辱 "shame, humiliation") which refers to any form of widely recognised high renown.
            • Ant: (DISGRACE)潔/GOOD
            • Ant: (DISGRACE)榮/NOBLE
            • Contrast: (DISGRACE)羞/SHAME The most current word referring to private feelings of shame is xiū 羞 "feel intensely morally ashamed of oneself",
            • Assoc: (DISGRACE)侵/ATTACK Qīn 侵 refers to less formal attack, typically unannounced beforehand, and typically aimed at taking the enemy's territory. [COVERT!], [MILITARY], [SPECIFIC]
            • Assoc: (DISGRACE)恥/SHAME The most current word for public shame or disgrace the core of which is public opinion is chǐ 恥, proper respect for which is also called chǐ 恥 "sense for what is publicly disgraceful".
            • Assoc: (DISGRACE)污/WICKED Wú 污 (ant. jié 潔 "morally pure and spotless") refers to moral defilement or moral impurity.
            • Assoc: (DISGRACE)黜 / 絀 / 詘/DEMOTE
            • Assoc: (DISGRACE)賤/HUMBLE Jiàn 賤 (ant. 貴 "objectively of high standard, but also personally and subjectively judged to deserve this high status") typically adds to the notion of objectively judged low status that of subjectively appreciated moral decrepitude.