Taxonomy of meanings for 趨:  

  • 趨 qū (OC: tsho MC: tsʰio) 七逾切 平 廣韻:【走也七逾切三 】
    • RUN
      • subserviently, demonstratively: "scuffle along">WALK
        • viactscuddle, scurry, shuffle forward (either fast or slowly)
        • generalised>HURRY
          • viacthurry up; race along
          • vt+V[0]be in a hurry to, be urgently concerned with; rush to
          • vadVon the spot; quickly, urgently
          • vtoNscamper in the direction of; hasten towards, be eager to get to
          • vtoNcausativecause to hurry
          • vtoNfigurativescurry after
          • viscamper along, politely; scurry along politely making small steps, as a sign of public respectCH
          • nabscampering; hurrying forwardCH
          • vtoScausativehasten the occurrence of S, [OR: speed up the PREDICATING of the SUBJECT.CH
          • vtoNhasten towards, rally to
          • vadVin a great hurry
          • with purpose to save>RESCUE
            • vtoNhasten to guard against
          • abstract: strong>TENDENCY
              • psychologial>INTEND
                  • object:AIM
                    • realisation of>ACT
                    • abstract: "go for">CHOOSE
                      • nabactpreferring; preferred course of action
                      • vtoNtend towards, opt (enthusiastically) for, go for
            • GO TO
              • LEAVE
                • vt(oN)race away from the place NCH
              • STRIVE FOR
                • nab(.post-N)psychurgent main concernCH
              • URGENT
                • vtoN= cu4 促: urge, promoteLZ

              Additional information about 趨

              說文解字: 【趨】,走也。从走、芻聲。 【七逾切】

              • GO TO

                1. Zhī 之 is to go to a place, typically taking the most direct route, by any conveyance as a result of a decision and typically with the purpose of staying there for a while or conducting some business.

                2. Cào/zào 造 and rú 如 refer to aiming for a destination, and the movement may be by foot or by any conveyance.

                3. Wǎng 往 (ant. jū 居 "remain at home") refers to setting out for a destination by any means of transport or by foot, and the destination is not very often made explicit by an ordinary noun as object. Moreover wǎng 往 does not necessarily imply going somewhere by the most direct route.

                4. Fù 赴 refers to hastening to a (typically dangerous) destination (such as an abyss or fire), or to a place where one is to perform a public duty.

                5. Qū 趨 refers to hurrying politely to a destination.

                6. Shì 適 refers to moving in a certain direction, or heading for a certain place, and the word is also used for arrival at the destination.

                7. Jiù 就 (ant. qù 去 "leave") and the somewhat rarer jí 即 (ant. lí 離 "leave") refer to approaching a certain destination by any means of transport.

                8. Yì 詣 refers to going somewhere to pay a formal visit. See VISIT.

              • CHOOSE

                1. The general word for making a deliberate and in principle free choice is qǔ 取 "to choose or opt for (the preferred alternative), to prefer" (ant 捨 "reject"), and what is thus chosen or preferred may be concrete or abstract.

                2. Zé 擇 is "to choose between, make a free choice among (alternative objects presenting themselves)" and the word applies to all sorts of choices, formal or informal.

                3. Xuǎn 選 and the rarer bá 拔 (ant. chì 斥 "set aside") is an administrative term referring to the choice of incumbents for a position to be filled according to given criteria of choice.

                4. Cǎi 采 is close in meaning to qǔ 取 but does not naturally correspond to any antonym like shě 捨 "reject".

                5. Qū 趨 (ant. bì 避 "shy away from and avoid") and the rarer xiàng 嚮 (ant. bèi 背 "turn one's back on") refer to a tendency to exercise a certain preference.

                6. Níng 寧 "would rather, prefer to" expresses a free moral or intellectual or practical choice. See PREFER

              • HURRY

                1. The current general word for making maximum speed is qū 趨 (ant. tuō 拖 "delay") (contrast qū 趨 "shuffle politely").

                2. Zào 躁 is to be rushed and flurried.

                3. Jí 急 (ant. huǎn 緩 "slowly") refers to act with urgenct purpose, as in an emergency.

                4. Jí 亟 (ant. huǎn 緩 "slowly") refers to generally making good speed and causing no delay.

                5. Chuán 遄 is a rather dramatic word referring to doing one's physical best.

                6. Chí 馳 and the somewhat rarer zòu 驟 refer to racing along, typically on horseback.

                7. Cù 趣 is to hurry in a certain direction.

                8. Wù 騖 refers to racing along at terrific speed, typically on horseback. See GALLOP

                Word relations
              • Ant: (CHOOSE)捨 / 舍/DISCARD Shě 捨/舍 (ant. qǔ 取 "pick out and choose") refers to letting go of or rejecting something that one might have chosen to retain or use.
              • Epithet: (HURRY)疾/QUICK Jí 疾 (ant. xú 徐 "slowly") typically refers to urgent speedy action of limited duration.
              • Contrast: (GO TO)歸/GO TO
              • Contrast: (HURRY)競/COMPETE Jìng 競 is to compete strenuously, and to vie for something viewed as desirable, and the focus is not so much on the conflict involved as on the aim pursued.
              • Assoc: (HURRY)赴/HURRY
              • Assoc: (HURRY)進/ADVANCE The standard general word for physically going or moving forward is jìn 進 (ant. tuì 退 "withdraw backwards"). >>GENERAL
              • Synon: (CHOOSE)就/SEEK
              • Oppos: (STRIVE FOR)捨 / 舍/DISCARD Shě 捨/舍 (ant. qǔ 取 "pick out and choose") refers to letting go of or rejecting something that one might have chosen to retain or use.