Taxonomy of meanings for 謹:  

  • 謹 jǐn (OC: klɯnʔ MC: kɨn) 居隱切 上 廣韻:【絜也愼也居隱切十一 】
      • nab.tactdiligent attention to N
      • nabactdiligence in action
      • nabdispositiondiligence;
      • vadNmeticulous, painstaking
      • vadVpainstakingly, diligently, carefully; meticulously; unfailingly 謹而
      • vipejorativebe (overly) meticulous, be fastidious???
      • viact, commendatorybe diligent; be meticulous; be assiduous; show diligence
      • vpostadVtoNgradeddiligently; with diligent attention to detail 遇客甚謹
      • vt+prep+Nbe diligent about, pay painstaking attention to
      • vt+V[0]be careful to V
      • vtoNactbe diligent about, take pains with; devote oneself meticulously to; be meticulous on the point of; be vigilant regarding
      • vtoNcausativecause to be diligent
      • vtoNpassivebe paid painstaking attention to
      • vtoNpsychpay diligent attention to, pay close attention to; be carefully attentive to
      • vt(oN)pay diligent attention toCH
    • SMALL
      • SURNAMES
        • ONLY
          • EARTH

            Additional information about 謹


            • NEGLECT

              1. The general word for neglecting something, either by deliberately ignoring it or by a failure to take due care, is hū 忽 (ant. jǐn 謹 "pay careful attention to").

              2. LŸè 略 is a deliberate act of neglecting something one has a duty to pay attention to.

              3. Màn 慢 (ant. jìng 敬 "pay proper and respectful attention to") and jiǎn 簡 (ant. xì 細 "pay detailed attention to") refer to a typically deliberate and defiant, often a deliberately outrageous, failure to pay proper attention to what is expected to be heeded.

              4. Shū 疏 (ant. yán 嚴 "pay strict attention to") refers to inadvertent nonchalant neglectfulness.

              NB: Yí 遺 "leave out" and shì 釋 "leave aside for the time being" refer to a deliberate but possibly defensible failure to take note of something, and these words are thus naturally treated in this meaning under the heading DISREGARD.

            • DILIGENT

              1. The current word for (typically respectful) meticulous and almost fastidious diligence is jǐn 謹 (ant. màn 慢 "be neglectful").

              2. Shèn 慎 (ant. hū 忽 "be neglectful") "be careful and cautious" emphasises not only careful attention but also wariness of possible danger.

              3. Lì 力 emphasises total devotion of all one's physical and mental effort, and in this meaning the word is normally adverbial.

              4. Qín 勤 (ant. duò 惰 "without proper strenuous and dutiful effort") emphasises dutiful mental effort.

              5. Quàn 勸 focusses on the externally induced enthusiasm with which something is done.

              6. Miǎn 勉 focusses on externally or internally generated extraordinary enthusiasm for a task.

              7. Què 愨 emphasises the moral appropriateness of the diligence in question.

              8. Yuàn 愿 (not to be confused with yuàn 願 "hope") is an elevated rare word referring to respectful diligence of the people.

              9. Jìng 敬 often refers to respectful diligence in action imposed by one's respect rather than to the attitude or the explicit direct show of respect as such.

              Word relations
            • Contrast: (DILIGENT)慎/DILIGENT Shèn 慎 (ant. hū 忽 "be neglectful") "be careful and cautious" emphasises not only careful attention but also wariness of possible danger.
            • Assoc: (DILIGENT)恭 / 共/RESPECT Gōng 恭 (ant. jù 倨 "behave in an informal impolite way") refers specifically to private proper polite and respectful attitudes shown to a deserving person.
            • Assoc: (DILIGENT)孝/LOVE Xiào 孝 refers to loving respect for one's parents and ancestors in attitude and action and is a major traditional virtue.
            • Assoc: (DILIGENT)愿/DILIGENT Yuàn 愿 (not to be confused with yuàn 願 "hope") is an elevated rare word referring to respectful diligence of the people.
            • Assoc: (DILIGENT)篤/EARNEST Dǔ 篤 refers to trusty earnestness under the special aspect of dependability.
            • Assoc: (DILIGENT)信/FAITHFUL The current general word for trustiness or good faith is xìn 信.
            • Assoc: (DILIGENT)慎/DILIGENT Shèn 慎 (ant. hū 忽 "be neglectful") "be careful and cautious" emphasises not only careful attention but also wariness of possible danger.
            • Assoc: (DILIGENT)慎/DILIGENT Shèn 慎 (ant. hū 忽 "be neglectful") "be careful and cautious" emphasises not only careful attention but also wariness of possible danger.
            • Assoc: (RESPECT)敬/RESPECT The current general word for respectful attitudes and actions is jìng 敬 (ant. màn 慢 "fail to show proper respect for").