See also
    Old Chinese Criteria
    1. The current general term for the earth or land is dì 地 (ant. tiān 天 "Heaven").

    2. Kūn 坤 (ant. qián 乾 is a metaphysical way of referring to Earth as an agentive principle.

    3. Lù 陸 (ant. shuǐ 水 ) refers to land versus river or sea areas.

    Modern Chinese Criteria

    寰球 focusses on the earth but includes the whole universe.

    寰宇 refers to the universe without a special focus on the earth and is obviously marginal in the group. See UNIVERSE

    rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

    • A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages ( BUCK 1988) p. 1.21

    • De differentiis ( DIFFERENTIAE I) p. 3

      552. Inter Terram, et tellurem, et humum. Terra squalida est et inculta, tellus fructifera; humus autem, inferior, et deorsum, et humida [ Al. add. tellus]. Unde et humati, sepulti. Generaliter autem ubique terra est, non ubique humus. Et in parietibus terra est, hoc est in lateribus, et non est humus. Humus autem terra humida est, et ab humore vocata, sicut et terra, quod naturali siccitate torreat, sicut et tellus. quod fructus [ Al., fructum] ejus tollimus.

    • Anthologia sive Florilegium rerum et materiarum selectarum ( LANGIUS 1631) p.


    • 論衡同義詞研究 ( LUNHENG TONGYI 2004) p. 10

    • Dictionnaire culturel en langue francaise ( REY 2005) p. 4.1338

    • Handbook of Greek Synonymes, from the French of M. Alex. Pillon, Librarian of the Bibliothèque Royale , at Paris, and one of the editors of the new edition of Plaché's Dictionnaire Grec-Français, edited, with notes, by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A. Rector of Lyndon, and late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ( PILLON 1850) p. no.149

    Attributions by syntactic funtion

    • n : 25
    • nab : 13
    • nadV : 6
    • nadN : 4
    • NP : 4
    • nm : 2
    • NPab : 2
    • vi : 2
    • NP[adN] : 1
    • NPadN : 1

    Attributions by text

    • 荀子 : 18
    • 淮南子 : 5
    • 韓非子 : 5
    • 孟子 : 4
    • 太平經 : 4
    • 周易 : 3
    • 莊子 : 3
    • 孝經 : 2
    • 呂氏春秋 : 2
    • 郭店楚簡 語叢一 : 2
    • 文選 : 1
    • 國語 : 1
    • 搜神記 : 1
    • 墨子 : 1
    • 春秋左傳 : 1
    • 老子 : 1
    • 孫子 : 1
    • 史記 : 1
    • 法言 : 1
    • 法集要頌經 : 1
    • 韓詩外傳 : 1
    • 六祖壇經 : 1


      dì OC: lils MC: di 41 AttributionsWD

    The current general term for the earth or land is dì 地 (ant. tiān 天"Heaven").

      Word relations
    • Result: 形/SHAPE The most current general word describing the physical shape of something is xíng 形.
    • Epithet: 氣/COSMIC FORCE The most general term for physical principles operative in the dynamics of natural processes is qì 氣.
    • Epithet: 廣/BROAD The standard general word is guǎng 廣 (ant. xiá 狹 "narrow") referring to anything of get spatial extension, also in various metaphorical senses.
    • Oppos: 天/SKY The current word for the sky, and for Heaven, is tiān 天 (ant. dì 地 "earth").

      Syntactic words
    • nabmetaphysicalEarth (versus Heaven) (as a metaphysical force)
    • nadNearth-assigned
    • nadVlike the EarthCH
    • nadVplaceon earth 地生 "grow on earth"
    • nmsoil; earth
    • vadNlike Nlike earth
    • viactbe broadly supportive like Earth;
    • vifigurativebe earth-like; become earth-like
      lù OC: m-ruɡ MC: luk 7 AttributionsWD

    Lù 陸(ant. shuǐ 水) refers to land versus river or sea areas.

      Word relations
    • Epithet: 行/TRAVEL The standard word for travelling for any purpose is xíng 行.

      Syntactic words
    • nland (versus sea), mainland
    • nadVplaceon land, by land 陸行travel by land
      kūn OC: khuun MC: khuo̝n 3 AttributionsWD

    Kūn 坤 (ant. qián 乾is a metaphysical way of referring to Earth as an agentive principle.

      Syntactic words
    • n(abstract, cosmological:) earth (YI)
    下地  xià dì MC: haeX dijH OC: ɢraaʔ lilsCH 3 AttributionsWD

      Syntactic words
    • NPearth belowCH
    • NP[adN]what is down on EarthCH
      péi OC: bɯɯ MC: buo̝i 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • naccumulated earth, small mound of earth
    下方  xià fāng OC: ɢraaʔ paŋ MC: ɦɣɛ pi̯ɐŋ 1 AttributionWD

      Syntactic words
    • NPthe mundane world on earth
    地種  dì zhǒng OC: lils tjoŋʔ MC: di tɕi̯oŋ 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPabmetaphysicalthe metaphysical element Earth
    地下  dì xià MC: dijH haeX OC: lils ɢraaʔCH 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPEarth below(Heaven)CH
    地上  dì shàng MC: dijH dzyangH OC: lils ɡljaŋsCH 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPadNon earthCH
    九地  jiǔ dì MC: kjuwX dijH OC: kuʔ lilsDS 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPaball kinds of unaccessible and difficult terrain (see HDC)DS
    后土  hòu tǔ OC: ɡooʔ kh-laaʔ MC: ɦu thuo̝ 0 AttributionsWD

      Syntactic words
    土地  tǔ dì OC: kh-laaʔ lils MC: thuo̝ di 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPsingularEarth
    士塊  shì kuài OC: dzrɯʔ khuuls MC: ɖʐɨ khuo̝i 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPclod of earth
      xià OC: ɢraaʔ MC: ɦɣɛ 0 AttributionsWD

      Syntactic words
    • nearth

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