Taxonomy of meanings for 謬:  

  • 謬 miù (OC: mɢrus MC: mɨu) 靡幼切 去 廣韻:【誤也詐也差也欺也靡幼切二 】
    • UNTRUE
      • feature>CRAZY
        • also self-deprecatory/ironic>MISTAKE
          • vibe misguided; be utterly mistaken, be completely mislead; be mistaken; go wrong
          • nabactmistakes
          • vadNmisleading; misguided
          • vadVmisguidedly, mistakenlyLZ
          • vtoNcausativemisguide somebody; cause N to make mistakesDS
        • event> ERR
        • feature>ABSURD
          • causative>DECEIVE
            • causative>CONFUSED
              • by mistake>CHANGE
                • BIND
                  • DEEP
                    • SURNAMES

                      Additional information about 謬

                      說文解字: 【謬】,狂者之妄言也。从言、翏聲。 【靡幼切】 〔小徐本此字次於「譌」字之後。〕

                      • MISTAKE

                        1. The most current general word for a mistake is probably shī 失 (ant. dé 得 "get things right") refers generally to an inadvertent mistake in action, and normally of minor kind.

                        2. Wù 誤 (ant. zhèng 正 "correct") typically refers quite generally to intellectual misapprehension.

                        3. Miù 謬 (ant. zhèng 正 "correct") typically refers to an intellectual misapprehension because of complete baselessness of what is being said.

                        4. Quē 闕 (ant. wán 完 "completely right") is a polite circumlocution for a superior's inadvertencies or mistakes in action..

                        5. Tè 忒 and chà 差 is an archaic word for unreglemented personal or political conduct.

                        NB: Cuò 錯 as a standard word for "mistake" is post-Han.

                      • ABSURD

                        1. The current word for contradictory absurdity is bèi 悖.

                        2. Huāng 荒 focusses on the confusion more than the contradictoriness.

                        3. Dàn 誕 focusses on the loquaciousness of absurd discourse.

                        4. Guāi miù 乖謬 focusses on the misguidedness which is the result of incoherence.

                        Word relations
                      • Assoc: (MISTAKE)愚/STUPID The dominant word is yú 愚 (ant. zhì 智 "clever; wise"), and the word refers to intellectual obtuseness as well as practical ineptitude.
                      • Assoc: (MISTAKE)誤/DISASTER