Taxonomy of meanings for 薪:  

  • 薪 xīn (OC: siŋ MC: sin) 息鄰切 平 廣韻:【柴也周禮委人掌祭祀之薪詩云翹翹錯薪 】
      • nadNdesigned for the production of firewood
      • nmfirewood
      • viactgather firewood
      • vt prep Ncollect firewood at NCH

      Additional information about 薪

      說文解字: 【薪】,蕘也。从艸、新聲。 【息鄰切】

      • FIREWOOD

        1. The current general word for firewood is xīn 薪 and specifically the word refers to thick branches that can perhaps be used for making logs.

        2. Ráo 蕘 refers to hey and straw used for burning.

        3. Qiáo 樵 refers to largish branches cut up and used for firewood.

        4. Chái 柴 refers to firewood, specifically cut into smaller pieces than xīn 薪, and the word came to the current general word.

        Word relations
      • Object: (FIREWOOD)負/CARRY The most common word to refer to carrying things on one's back is fù 負; the word is also common in figurative senses.
      • Object: (FIREWOOD)采/PLUCK