Taxonomy of meanings for 篤:  

  • 篤 dǔ (OC: tuuɡ MC: tuok) 冬毒切 入 廣韻:【厚也説文曰馬行頓遟冬毒切十一 】
      • vtoNcausativeto increase; to make more abundant
      • nabactearnestness of effort
      • vadNearnest; trustworthy
      • vadVearnestly
      • visincere and dependable, trusty, honest, sturdy
      • viactcomport oneself with earnestness and seriousness, be sturdy
      • vt+prep+Nbe earnest with respect to; make an earnest effort in relation to
      • vtoNpsychbe earnest in (the pursuit of one's aspirations etc)
      • vadNintense, virulent
      • vpostadVintensely
      • vadVferventlyCH
          • SURNAMES
            • = 督
          • CONFORM
            • vt prep Nbe adapted toCH

          Additional information about 篤

          說文解字: 【篤】,馬行頓遟。从馬、竹聲。 【冬毒切】

          • CRAFTY

            1. The most general word for craftiness as a negative quality is zhì 智, although very confusingly, this word can also refer to positive wisdom as a virtue.

            2. Jiǎo 狡 and huá 猾 (ant. dūn 敦 "obtuse" and perhaps dǔ 篤 "trusty but inept").

            3. Qiǎo 巧 (ant. zhuó 拙 "inept") is very common and emphasises the element of skill involved.

          • EARNEST

            1. The current standard word for earnestness in attitude and earnest effort in practice is chéng 誠 (ant.* màn 慢 "negligent").

            2. Dǔ 篤 refers to trusty earnestness under the special aspect of dependability.

            3. Liàng 諒 refers to sincerity of attitude as a moral virtue.

            4. Zhōng 衷 refers to earnestness as an inner attitude under the aspect of emotional genuineness, a moral earnestness which will move Heaven.

            Word relations
          • Assoc: (EARNEST)信/FAITHFUL The current general word for trustiness or good faith is xìn 信.
          • Assoc: (INTENSELY)劇/INTENSELY
          • Assoc: (INTENSELY)劇/INTENSELY
          • Assoc: (EARNEST)謹/DILIGENT The current word for (typically respectful) meticulous and almost fastidious diligence is jǐn 謹 (ant. màn 慢 "be neglectful").