Taxonomy of meanings for 稼:  

  • 稼 jià (OC: kraas MC: kɯa) 古訝切 去 廣韻:【稼穡種曰稼歛曰穡 】
      • nabactagriculture as an activity; sowing
    • GRAIN
      • nmgrain; grain crop
      • ngrain crop; crop, harvest
      • nabactthe work of harvesting; the harvestingCH
    • SOW
      • viactsow grain; to farm
      • vtoNsow grain

    Additional information about 稼

    說文解字: 【稼】,禾之秀實爲稼,莖節爲禾。从禾、家聲。一曰:稼,家事也。 〔小徐本無「事」。〕 一曰:在野曰稼。 〔小徐本「在」上有「禾」。〕 【古訝切】


      1. The general old and current word for a harvest, particularly a good harvest is nián 年.

      2. Suì 歲 refers to the harvest of a year without any current reference to good or bad harvests.

      3. Rǎng 穰 refers to an abundant harvest.

      4. Jià 稼 refers generally to the grain crop.

      5. Sè 穡 refers generally to the grain crop as garnered in and properly stored.

      6. Shōu 收 regularly refers to the harvest as what is garnered and collected for future use.

    • SOW

      1. The current word for sowing is zhòng 種 (ant. shōu 收 "harvest").

      2. Bō 播 focusses on the spreading of seeds over a field.

      3. Jià 稼 (ant. sè 穡 "harvest") refers specifically to the sowing of grain.

      4. Shù 樹 is marginal in this group because the word refers generally to planting seedlings rather than sowing.

      5. Yì 藝 can occasionally be used to refer specifically to the planting of rice seedlings and the like.

      6. Zhí 殖 (ant. huò 獲 "harvest") includes the planting as well as the ensuing cultivation of domesticated plants.

      7. Zāi 栽 refers to placing of seedlings of any kind or provenance in the earth as part of agricultural cultivation, and the word first became current in Eastern Han times.

      8. Shí 蒔 refers to the replanting of seedlings from one cultivated patch to another.

      Word relations
    • Contrast: (HARVEST)穀 / 谷/GRAIN Gǔ 谷/穀 is general term for a food grain; (in some local dialects, it can also refer to foxtail millet (Setaria italica)).
    • Contrast: (SOW)耕/AGRICULTURE Gēng 耕 refers to any agricultural work involved in the growing of crops of any kind; however, the term also refers specifically to ploughing and thus turning over and loosening the ground for cultivation.
    • Assoc: (HARVEST)穀 / 谷/GRAIN Gǔ 谷/穀 is general term for a food grain; (in some local dialects, it can also refer to foxtail millet (Setaria italica)).
    • Oppos: (GRAIN)草/WEED