Taxonomy of meanings for 湛:  

  • 湛 zhàn (OC: ɡrluumʔ MC: ɖɯæm) 徒減切 上 廣韻:【水皃又没也安也亦姓後漢有大司農湛重徒減切又直心切三 】
    • DEEP
      • viprofound; deep (CC)
    • FILL
      • vtoNobject=contentbe full of (a substance N)
    • FLOOD
      • nabeventflood
    • MOIST
      • vibe soaking wet
      • vtoNcausativeto soak; steep
    • PURE
      • SLOW
        • SHOW
          • STOP
            • REMAIN
              • WATER
                • QUENCH
                • RIVERS
                • 湛 dān (OC: k-luum MC: təm) 丁含切 平 廣韻:【湛樂亦見詩 】
                  • ADDICTED
                    • viarchaic, poetic: be steeped in pleasure; be steeped in
                  • HAPPY
                  • 湛 chén (OC: ɡrlum MC: ɖɯim) 直深切 平 廣韻:【漢書曰且從俗浮湛又徒減切 】
                    • = 沈
                  • 湛 zhàn (OC: ɡrluumʔ MC: ɖɯæm) 徒減切 上 廣韻:【湛古文 】

                    Additional information about 湛

                    說文解字: 【湛】,沒也。从水、甚聲。一曰:湛水,豫章浸。 〔小徐本「豫章」作「豫州」。〕 【宅減切】【㴴】,古文。 〔小徐本作「古文湛。」〕

                    • ADDICTED





                      1. The most general word for a strong and permanent liking for alcohol and the like is dān 耽 / 酖 / 湛.

                      [HIGH-DEGREE], [POETIC]

                      2. Miǎn 湎 is an elevated poetic word for addiction, typically to wine.

                      [ARCHAIC], [POETIC]

                      3. Chén 沈 is occasionally used to refer to a person being excessively prone to vices of any kind including wine and women.

                      [GENERAL], [HIGH-DEGREE]; [[RARE]]

                      4. Xù 酗 is a rare archaic word referring to addiction to wine as expressed in action.

                      [ARCHAIC], [POETIC]; [[RARE]]

                      5. Yòng 醟 is a very rare word referring to excessive fondness of wine.


                      Word relations
                    • Ant: (FLOOD)旱/DROUGHT The current general word for wealther conditions of drought is hàn 旱.
                    • Ant: (MOIST)枯 / 枯㱠/DRY Gǎo 槁 and kū 枯 (ant. rùn 潤 "lush") are common words referring specifically to dryness of trees and sometimes other plants.