FILL  充滿

  • CAUSE TOMOVE in SUCH a way that THEREFORE someone or something else CHANGES.
      • CHANGEEVENT involving two MOMENTS t1 and t2, such that a THING at the MOMENT t1 is DIFFERENT FROM that THING at the MOMENT t2.
        • EVENTREALITY that ARISES in TIME....
    See also
      Old Chinese Criteria
      1. The most general and current word in this group is probably yíng 盈 (ant. xū 虛 "empty out") which refers to any filling up or filling in, abstract or concrete.

      2. Chōng 充 refers to the concrete filling out completely of a container or a suitable empty space with (often desirable) physical substances.

      3. Sài 塞 emphasises the nuance of filling in a space not necessarily designed to be filled in so as to block the free passage of other substances.

      4. Mǎn 滿 is a word that was rather late to gain currency, replacing certain usages of yíng 盈, and it refers to the filling out of all of an empty space, with large amounts or large numbers of some specified kind of objects.

      5. Tián 填 is originally to fill out something so as to make a level surface.

      Modern Chinese Criteria
      充塞 is a current modern for filling something up.

      充溢 refers to filling something so it flows over.

      填滿 (lit) is to fill out or fill in a form or the like.

      充斥 is to be filled with.

      rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

      Attributions by syntactic funtion

      • vtoN : 83
      • vt+prep+N : 10
      • VPtoN : 4
      • nab : 3
      • n : 2
      • vtt(oN1.)+N2 : 2
      • vttoN1:postvtoN2 : 2
      • VPt(oN) : 2
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2 : 2
      • VPi : 1
      • vt[oN] : 1
      • VPtt(oN1.)+N2 : 1
      • VPt+prep+N : 1

      Attributions by text

      • 韓非子 : 12
      • 孟子 : 11
      • 淮南子 : 11
      • 荀子 : 9
      • 春秋左傳 : 7
      • 管子 : 7
      • 祖堂集 : 7
      • 毛詩 : 6
      • 說苑 : 4
      • 莊子 : 4
      • 阮籍集四卷 : 4
      • 百喻經 : 4
      • 陸機集十一卷 : 3
      • 呂氏春秋 : 3
      • 賢愚經 : 3
      • 臨濟錄 : 3
      • 春秋穀梁傳 : 2
      • 孝經 : 2
      • 史記 : 2
      • 文子 : 2
      • 文選 : 1
      • 周易 : 1
      • 列子 : 1
      • 山海經 : 1
      • 論語 : 1
      • 戰國策 : 1
      • 老子 : 1
      • 妙法蓮華經 : 1


        yíng OC: leŋ MC: jiɛŋ 25 AttributionsWD

      The most general and current word in this group is probably yíng 盈 (ant. xū 虛 "empty out") which refers to any filling up or filling in, abstract or concrete.

        Syntactic words
      • vt+prep+Nfill up; make up (a number, as many as ten etc) 盈於
      • vt[oN]fill up and clutter up the coffersCH
      • vt[oN]figurativegive full expression to things, be fanatic about things
      • vtoNfill (primarily a container or a depression in the earth)
      • vtoNfigurativefill out (the ear with music etc)
      • vtoNfigurativedo everything to fulfill (desires etc.)CH
      • vtoNfigurative, middle voiceget filled upCH
      • vtoNliteral, passivebe filled
        chōng OC: thjuŋ MC: tɕhuŋ 23 AttributionsWD

      Chōng 充 refers to the concrete filling out completely of a container or a suitable empty space with (often desirable) physical substances.

        Word relations
      • Assoc: 滿/FILL Mǎn 滿 is a word that was rather late to gain currency, replacing certain usages of yíng 盈, and it refers to the filling out of all of an empty space, with large amounts or large numbers of some specified kind of objects.

        Syntactic words
      • nabfigurativewhat "fills" and forms the real basis of something ???
      • nsubjectsomething that fills something else; something that is contained somewhere
      • vt+prep+Nfigurativemake one's presence felt throughout
      • vtoNfill to satisfaction (as the stomach or a granary); fill up to the brim, be all over (a place); satisfy (one's hunger)
      • vtoNfigurativeto give content (to something); to fully develop; to make fully abundant
      • vtoNfigurativefill (oneself)
      滿  mǎn OC: mboonʔ MC: mʷɑn 11 AttributionsWD

      Mǎn 滿 is a word that was rather late to gain currency, replacing certain usages of yíng 盈, and it refers to the filling out of all of an empty space, with large amounts or large numbers of some specified kind of objects.

        Word relations
      • Ant: 竭/EXHAUST Jié 竭 (ant. yíng 盈 "leave plenty of something") typically refers to the using up of what one has in one, or what one owns.
      • Assoc: 充/FILL Chōng 充 refers to the concrete filling out completely of a container or a suitable empty space with (often desirable) physical substances.

        Syntactic words
      • vtoNfill out; fill out everywhere 滿於
      • vtoNmathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
      • vtoNpassivebe filled
        sài OC: sɯɯɡs MC: səi 10 AttributionsWD

      Sài 塞 emphasises the nuance of filling in a space not necessarily designed to be filled in so as to block the free passage of other substances.

        Syntactic words
      • vt+prep+Nmiddle voiceto fill up (a certain space); to be filled in (somewhere)
      • vtoNfill in (an opening. a well etc)
      • vtoNfigurativeto fill in figuratively, to satisfyLZ
        shí OC: ɢljiɡ MC: ʑit 8 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • vt+prep+Ncausativecause N to be full; fill up NTWH
      • vtoNcause to be full (of things or people);fill up
      • vtoNmiddlevoiceget filled upCH
        chéng OC: djeŋ MC: dʑiɛŋ 8 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNcausativecause (something) to be filled in; contain; hold (of liquid etc.)
      • vtt(oN1.)+N2omfill a contextually determinate N1 with N2
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2fill (something N1) into ( a place or a container N2)必不盛羹於土鉶
      • vttoN1:postvtoN2fill N1 into N2; but also: fill N1 with N2
        yīn OC: qin MC: ʔin 5 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • vt prep Nfill in; dam upCH
      • vtoNfill in (valleys, ravines etc)
      • vtoNpassivebe filled in (wells etc)
      充滿  chōng mǎn OC: thjuŋ mboonʔ MC: tɕhuŋ mʷɑn 4 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPt+prep+Nintensitivefill out completely
      • VPtoNintensitivefill out completely
        tián OC: diin MC: den
        tián OC: diin MC: den 3 AttributionsWD

      Tián 填 is originally to fill out something so as to make a level surface.

        Syntactic words
      • vtoNHF 8.10.28: fill up (deep pools) with earth, level out (as holes in the ground)
        mí OC: mel MC: miɛ 2 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • vt+prep+Nspread all over; soak in throughout; fill out
      • vtoNfill; soak
        bǔ OC: paaʔ MC: puo̝ 2 AttributionsWD

        Word relations
      • Synon: 塞/FILL Sài 塞 emphasises the nuance of filling in a space not necessarily designed to be filled in so as to block the free passage of other substances.

        Syntactic words
      • vtoNfill in so as to make complete, fill in so as to repair
      • vtoNmathematical termCHEMLA 2003: fill in (so as to complete a regular shape), complementJZ 9.15, Liu Hui's comm: 令顛倒相補 "one inverts a piece so that they come to complement each other (so as, in this case, to make a regular rectangular shape)"JZ 9.5 令出入相補 "make the parts first go out, then go in so as to complement each other (and make a regular shape)". [Note that the Yang Hui edition of 1261 has 今 for 令 here.]
        mì OC: meeɡ MC: mek 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vt+prep+Nfill out; extend to all of
        yì OC: k-liɡ MC: jit 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • nabeventinundation
      • vtoNprocessfill to overflowing
        lún OC: ɡ-run MC: lʷin 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNfill, comprise of
        liáng OC: ɡ-raŋ MC: li̯ɐŋ 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vt+prep+Nfill out; be abundant in
      充足  chōng zú OC: thjuŋ tsoɡs MC: tɕhuŋ tsi̯o 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPt(oN)resultativefill so as to make the contents sufficient > fill to one's satisfaction
      填滿  tián mǎn OC: diin mboonʔ MC: den mʷɑn 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPt(oN)omfill; fill up (a contextually defined N)
      彌綸  mí lún OC: mel ɡ-run MC: miɛ lʷin 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPtoNfigurativefill; comprise; encompass
      盛滿  shèng mǎn OC: djeŋs mboonʔ MC: dʑiɛŋ mʷɑn 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPtt(oN1.)+N2fill the contextually determinate N1 with N2
        zài MC: dzojX OC: sɡɯɯʔCH 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNfigurativeexist in so as to fill out> fill out as a preoccupationCH
      滿盈  mǎn yíng MC: manX yeng OC: mboonʔ leŋCH 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPimiddle voiceget all filled upCH
        yǎn MC: 'jemX OC: qromʔLZ 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNto fill (one's mouth, 揜口, - expressively "to stay fed")LZ
      塞滿  sāi mǎn MC: sok manX OC: sɯɯɡ mboonʔLZ 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNfill inLZ
        zhuàn MC: tsywenX OC: tjonsLZ 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNprobably to be read zhuan1 (專): to fill a whole N (XUN)LZ
        qīng OC: khʷleŋ MC: khiɛŋ 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNpour full (with water)????
        zhàn OC: ɡrluumʔ MC: ɖɣɛm 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNobject=contentbe full of (a substance N)
        màn OC: moons MC: mʷɑn 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNprocessflow all over the place
      補滿  bǔ mǎn OC: paaʔ mboonʔ MC: puo̝ mʷɑn 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPtoNresultativefill up

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