Taxonomy of meanings for 渾:  

  • 渾 hún (OC: ɡuun MC: ɦuon) 戶昆切 平 廣韻:【渾濁益部𦒿舊傳曰漢武時洛下閎明曉天文於地中轉渾天定時節亦姓左傳鄭大夫渾罕又胡本切 】
  • 渾 hùn (OC: ɡuunʔ MC: ɦuon) 胡本切 上 廣韻:【渾元又戸昆切 】
    • DIRTY
      • vimurky, stagnant and dirty; untransparent
      • vtoNcausativecause to be dirty > taint, defile
    • JOKE

      Additional information about 渾

      說文解字: 【渾】,混流聲也。从水、軍聲。一曰:洿下皃。 【戶昆切】

      • PURE

        1. The standard general term for purity is chún 純 (ant. zá 雜 "mixed").

        2. Sù 素 (ant. huá 華 "well-adorned") adds to the notion of purity that of the unadulaterated original state of something.

        3. Qīng 清 (ant. zhuó 濁 "dirty, impure") and the rarer chéng 澂 emphasises the absence of any admixtures that might make something less transparent and translucent.

        4. Jìng 淨 (ant. wū 污 "impure") emphasises the unsullied state of something and the absence specifically of dirt.

        5. Chè 澈 (ant. hún 渾 "murky") focusses on perfect transparency.

        6. Jié 潔 / 絜 (ant. wū 污 "impure" and zhuó 濁 "dirty") refer abstractly to the absence of any material or immaterial impurity or blemish.

        7. Chún 醇 (bó 駁 "mixed") refers specifically to the undiluted state of wine but the word is also used in generalised senses of purity.