Taxonomy of meanings for 景:  

  • 景 jǐng (OC: kraŋʔ MC: kɯiaŋ) 居影切 上 廣韻:【大也明也像也光也炤也又姓齊景公之後後漢有景丹 】
  • 景 ying3 《集韻》於境切,上梗,影。
      • =影 SHADOW
        • nshadow; vague shape, shadowy image
        • viactproduce shadow shapes
        • nadVanalogylike a shadow
        • n(post-N)shadow of somethingCH

      Additional information about 景

      說文解字: 【景】,光也。从日、京聲。 【居影切】

      • SHADOW

        1. The shaped form of shadow is currently yǐng 影 / 景 (ant. xíng 形 "original physical object of which there is a shadow").

      • ECLIPSE

        1. The common general term for an eclipse is shí 蝕 (the earlier form being shí 食 ). It can refer both to a solar eclipse (rì shí 日蝕 ) or lunar eclipse (yuè shí 月蝕 ).

        2. Shěng 眚 is a term for an eclipse (both solar and lunar) laying an emphasis on its catastrophical connotations.

        3. Quēyǐng 闕景 refers to a solar eclipse.