Taxonomy of meanings for 捨:  

  • 捨 shě (OC: lʰaʔ MC: ɕia) 書冶切 上 廣韻:【釋也書冶切五 】
      • vtoNgive up, release; opt against, reject as a choice; give up on; set aside; throw away
      • nabactrejection (of a choice), discarding (of something one does not like)
      • vtoNN=humanreject; refuse to employ
      • vtoNpsychdiscard (oneself)
      • vtoNfigurativediscard, get rid of (with abstract N)
      • vt(oN)figurativediscard, give up (with a contextually determinate abstract N)
      • vtoNfigurativebe rejected
      • vtoNnegativeto neglect (something or somebody); ignore (something or somebody)
      • vtoNforget about for the time being, set aside
      • vt(oN)disregard a contextually determinate person or thing
    • PARDON
      • vtoNlet off and forgive; forgive (a crime); spare
      • vt[oN]let the contextually determinate person off
    • REFUSE
      • vt+V[0]refuse to V, give up V-ing
      • vtoNrefuse the offer of N
      • vtoNlet go, set free; let off; leave alone
    • GIVE
      • LEAVE
        • PEACEFUL
          • STOP
            • SURNAMES

              Additional information about 捨

              說文解字: 【捨】,釋也。从手、舍聲。 【書治切】

              • DISCARD

                1. The standard general words for discarding something is qì 棄 (ant. qǔ 取 "choose to retain") and the somewhat rarer juān 捐.

                2. Qù 去 refers to the distancing oneself from something by rejecting it.

                3. Fèi 廢 and the rarer tì 替 (all ant. zhì 置 "establish"!!!! See also no. 4 below.) refer to discarding something one has made use of or has been involved with for some time.

                4. Shì 釋 (ant. liú 留 "keep in employment") and the rarer jiě 解 refer to rejecting the continued use of something.

                5. Wěi 委 and zhì 置 (ant.* zhí 執 "hold onto" or chí 持 "hold onto") refer to putting things aside. See DISREGARD

                6. Shě 捨 / 舍 (ant. qǔ 取 "pick out and choose") refers to letting go of or rejecting something that one might have chosen to retain or use.

                7. Què 卻 (ant. shòu 受 "accept for employment") typically refers to a rejection or discarding of something as useless.

              • CATCH

                1. The common general word is 獲 (ant. shì 釋 "set free") which can refer to the capturing or obtaining of anything that might conceivably try to escape (for dé 得 "obtain what generally does not try to escape capture" see OBTAIN).

                2. Qǔ 取 (ant. shě 捨 "relinguish, reject") is to take control of by force and applies typically to enemy territories or enemy cities in a conflict. See WIN

                3. Chí 持 (ant. shī 失 "lose hold of") refers to the capturing of non-human prey.

                4. Zhi 執 (refers to the capturing of any human and non-human prey. See also ARREST.

                5. Náng 囊 is specifically to capture by the use of a sack or bag.

                6. Guà 絓 refers to catching something on a hook, typically a hook attached to a string.

                7. Wò 握 is specifically to catch and get hold of something with one's bare hands.

                8. Yú 漁 refers very specifically to the catching and killing of fish. [See ANGLE]

                9. Dé 得 "obtain" can sometimes come to refer to catching what is trying to escape capture.

                10. Bǔ 捕 refers to catching animals typically in a habitual or professional way.

                NB: Zhuō 捉 came to mean "catch" in post-Han times.

              • CHOOSE

                1. The general word for making a deliberate and in principle free choice is qǔ 取 "to choose or opt for (the preferred alternative), to prefer" (ant 捨 "reject"), and what is thus chosen or preferred may be concrete or abstract.

                2. Zé 擇 is "to choose between, make a free choice among (alternative objects presenting themselves)" and the word applies to all sorts of choices, formal or informal.

                3. Xuǎn 選 and the rarer bá 拔 (ant. chì 斥 "set aside") is an administrative term referring to the choice of incumbents for a position to be filled according to given criteria of choice.

                4. Cǎi 采 is close in meaning to qǔ 取 but does not naturally correspond to any antonym like shě 捨 "reject".

                5. Qū 趨 (ant. bì 避 "shy away from and avoid") and the rarer xiàng 嚮 (ant. bèi 背 "turn one's back on") refer to a tendency to exercise a certain preference.

                6. Níng 寧 "would rather, prefer to" expresses a free moral or intellectual or practical choice. See PREFER

                Word relations
              • Synon: (DISCARD)投/DISCARD
              • Oppos: (DISCARD)取/OBTAIN Obtaining something through effort and often with an element of choice involved is qǔ 取 (ant. qì 棄 "choose to reject").
              • Oppos: (DISCARD)趨/STRIVE FOR