Taxonomy of meanings for 拂:  

  • 拂 fú (OC: phɯd MC: pʰiut) 敷勿切 入 廣韻:【去也拭也除也擊也敷勿切十二 】
    • KNOCK
      • vtoNwhisk against
    • CUT
      • OFFEND
        • vt+prep+Noffend against; grate against
        • vtoNget into conflict with; go against the grain of, be offensive to (the ear etc); occasionally: be in inner conflict
        • RUB
          • nsubject=actionwhat one rubs/wipes with > whisk
          • vt(oN)wipe, brush, rub against (with contextually determinate N)
          • vtoNrub, rub against; rub off; wipe
        • REMOVE
          • PULL
            • calligraphy>LINE
              • pull up skirt and thus greet respectfully>GREET
                • BRUSH
                  • MAKE-UP
                    • COVER
                      • SHAKE
                        • vtoNflap (wings), shake (sleeves)
                      • SPREAD
                      • 拂 bi4《集韻》簿宓切,入質並。術部。
                      • 拂 pi4《集韻》普密切,入質滂。
                      • 拂 fei4《集韻》父沸切,去未奉
                      • OPPOSE
                        • vt(oN.)[adN]critical opponents; non-sycophantic followers, critical followersCH
                        • vt(oN)oppose the contextually determinate NCH
                        • n{PRED}be a critical opponent; be a critical son-sycophantic followerCH
                        • vtoNopposeCH

                      Additional information about 拂

                      說文解字: 【拂】,過擊也。从手、弗聲。 【徐鍇曰:擊而過之也。】 【𢾭勿切】

                      • RUB

                        1. The current general word for rubbing the surface of something is mó 磨.

                        2. Qǐē 切 adds to the notion of rubbing that of cutting and carving in order to produce smooth surfaces.

                        3. Fú 拂 is a very mild form of rubbing and wiping.

                        4. Cuō 磋 is an archaic word referring to the rubbing and polishing of surfaces.

                        5. Zhuó 琢 refers specifically to the polishing of jade.

                        6. Wèn 抆 refers specifically to the wiping off of tears.

                        NB: this is notoriously difficult to separate off from POLISH: perhaps we should collapse these two.]

                      • OFFEND

                        1. The current most general word for offending against what one is obliged to act in accordance with or going against a current is probably nì 逆 (ant. shùn 順 "follow and obey"), which refers to any action which goes against something.

                        2. Fàn 犯 (ant. cǒng 從 "follow obediently") refers as a derogatory term to a deliberate and active breaking of a rule.

                        3. Gān 干 and gān 奸 are rare words referring specifically to culpable breach of the law.

                        4. Wéi 違 (ant. xún 循 "follow") and the rarer lí 離 as well as fēi 非 are neutral terms referring to a failure to comply with something.

                        5. Fú 拂 refers to something grating against sensibilities or creating a conflict.

                        6. Fáng 妨 adds to the failure of compliance the nuance of interference with what one fails to comply with.

                        7. Kuī 虧 adds to the failure of compliance the nuance of inflicting harm or damage on what one fails to comply with.

                        8. Shāng 傷, hài 害, and bài 敗 add to the failure of compliance the element of ruining what one has failed to comply with exactly by this failure of compliance; but hài 害 has developed a special related meaning of offending logically against something, i.e. being incompatible with it.