Taxonomy of meanings for 帥:  

  • 帥 shuài (OC: srud MC: ʃʷit) 所律切 入 廣韻:【佩巾又將帥亦姓本姓師晉景帝諱改爲帥氏晉有尚書郎帥昺又所類切 】
    • FOLLOW
      • vtoNattitudinaltreat as one's leader, follow as one's leader
      • vt(oN)attitudinaltreat the determinate object as a leader, follow the example of the determinate object
      • vtoNobject=examplefollow the example (constituted by something); follow as a duty
      • nabactfollowership; following
    • LEAD
      • vtoN.-V[0]lead; mobilize (somebody) (in order to do something)
      • vtoNlead (typically a whole army, or a host of feudal lords etc); hold the command over (areas or districts); ceremonially: lead a cortege of; come first in a procession
      • v[adN]leader; person in charge;
      • viacttake the lead
      • vttoN.+V[0]pivotlead as a nominal head or as a politically leading figure; lead and command (an army or a band of robbers)
      • v[adN]agentthe "leader" 志氣之帥也
      • vtoN.adVfigurativeat the head of 帥雲霓
      • vtoNsubject=queenlead
      • vt(oN)guide the contextually determinate person or group
    • GOVERN
      • GATHER
        • OFFICIAL
          • MODEL
            • SEXY
              • SURNAMES
              • 帥 shuài (OC: sruds MC: ʃʷɯi) 所類切 去 廣韻:【將帥也曹憲文字指歸云佩巾也所類切又所律切二 】
                • GENERAL
                  • nccmilitary leader; officer of command 軍帥
                • IMPORTANT
                  • nfigurativedeterminating factor; superordinate factor

                Additional information about 帥

                說文解字: 【帥】,佩巾也。从巾、𠂤。 〔小徐本作「從巾、𠂤聲。」〕 【所律切】 【帨 〔小徐本作「或從兌聲。」〕

                • GENERAL

                  1. The general term for a senior military leader of any kind is jiāng 將, but this word normally refers to a person in charge of a given campaign, and the rank is not in Warring States times a bureaucratic permanent military to hold.

                  2. Shuài 帥 is sometimes used to refer to any officer in charge of a given army.

                  3. Jiāng jūn 將軍 is the officer in charge of a concrete army in the field.

                • LEAD

                  1. The current general term for leadership or guidance of any kind is dǎo 導 / 道.

                  2. Shuài 率 / 帥 places stronger emphasis on leadership in a certain campaign than on general guidance.

                  3. Jiāng 將 and yǐn 引 refer to leading an informal group, large or small, occasionally even a single person.

                  4. Xiàng 相 refers specifically to leading or guiding the blind.

                  5. Shuài 帥 refers specifically to leadership in a military campaign.

                  6. Jiàng 將 refers to a formal formal military rank and leadership exercised by someone occupying that rank.

                  7. Xiān 先 refers to leadership on the image of being at the head of a procession.

                  Word relations
                • Relat: (GENERAL)軍/ARMY Jūn 軍 is a complete army as a unit, from Spring and Autumn times onwards, normally attached to an army camp. Complete parts of an army are always jūn 軍, rarely shī 師. Hence the expressions sān jūn 三軍, zhōng jūn 中軍, shàng jūn 上軍, xià jūn 下軍. An army is counted by the number of jūn 軍 in it, where each jūn 軍 is said to be 10 000 men, at least in the Qi system. Systems have varied in different states. For detals of the early history see the monograph by KOLB. [IMPERSONAL], [LARGE], [OFFICIAL]