Taxonomy of meanings for 專:  

  • 專 zhuān (OC: tjon MC: tɕʷiɛn) 職緣切 平 廣韻:【擅也單也政也誠也獨也自是也亦姓吴刺客專諸職縁切十二 】
      • vadVacting on one's sole authority; independently
      • vtoNarrogate authority concerning, act on one's own authority onCH
      • vtoNunite, concentrate zhuān bīng 專兵
      • vadVin a focussed proper way
      • vt+prep+Nconcentrate on
      • vtoNconcentrate in one's hands (political power); monopolise;
      • vtoNcausativecause to be (properly) concentrated
      • vtoNN=topicconcentrate on, be especially concerned with
      • vtoNpassivebe concentrated
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2causativecause N1 to concentrate on N2
      • vtoNcontrol and determine alone; monopolise
      • vtoNspecialise exclusively on
    • GOVERN
      • viactmonopolise power
      • vt+prep+Nhave sole political control in N
      • vtoNhave the sole administrative control (in a state)
        • vadV"monopolisingly"> on one's own authority; improperly monopolising power
        • vpostadVexclusively
        • vtoNmonopolise, keep a monopoly for, control to the exclusion of others
        • vadNmonopolised
        • vt+prep+Nhold a monopoly of control over
        • vt[oN]monopolise power
      • ONLY
        • vad.VtoNscope: objectonly the objects
        • vadN{PRED}(before predicates) be only a matter of

      Additional information about 專

      說文解字: 【專】,六寸簿也。从寸、叀聲。一曰:專,紡專。 【職緣切】

      • CONTROL

        1. The most current general word in this group is zhì 制 (ant. zòng 縱 "give free rein to"), which refers to all kinds of control, political, physical, as well as psychological.

        2. Zhì 治 refers to the orderly and principled long-term control of something.

        3. Yù 御 refers to the exercise of sovereign unchallenged control over.

        4. Guǎn 管 and zhǎng 掌 refer to the concrete practical control over something large or small.

        5. Shàn 擅 refers to gaining or having unlegitimised sole control of something. See MONOPOLISE

        6. Zhuān 專 refers to having sole control, typically of some administrative function. See MONOPOLISE

        7. Bà 霸 refers to dominating and controlling something through a supreme display of power. See also RULER

      • GOVERN

        1. The general word for governing, administering or ordering things is zhì 治, old reading chí.

        2. Wéi 為, yǒu 有, yòng 用, lín 臨, lì 蒞, lǐ 理 are polite ways of referring to the government by a legitimate ruler.

        3. Nán miàn 南面, tīng zhèng 聽政, and the late jiàn zuò 踐祚 "ascend the throne and hold control" are polite ways of referring to the occupation of ruler's position by a legitimate incumbent.

        4. Zhèng 政 refers to the basically bureaucratic administration of a state, practical implementation of governmental measures.

        5. Shù 術 refers to the "philosophical" and political art of statecraft.

        6. Xiǎng 享 refers to government of a state as a privilege enjoyed by the legitimate ruler.

        7. Wàng 王 is the proper government of a state by its legitimate ruler, and term often has "idealising" nuances.

        8. Jūn 君 refers to de-facto government by a ruler without any idealising or approving nuances being implied.

        9. Zhuān 專 refers to the (often illegal or not entirely law-based) monopolising of power, and the word often has negative connotations.

        10. Xiàng 相 refers to senior roles in government bureaucracy other than those of the ruler.

        11. Sī 司 refers to administration on a scale below that of a state.

        12. Shǐ 使 refers to leadership, typically of the people.

        13. Mù 牧 refers to government as a paternalistic responsibility of the ruler.


        1. The current word for concentrating one's attention or one's actions in one direction is zhuān 專/摶.

        2. Níng 凝 refers to the concentration of abstract or "metaphysical" substances.

        3. Yī 一 and yī 壹 emphasise the uniqueness of what is being concentrated on.

        4. Xíng 行 and fú 服 "devote oneself completely to" focusses on action rather than thought as the field of concentration.

        5. Jī 積 emphasises the cumulative results of concentration.


        1. The most general word for taking sovereign charge of something is probably zhǔ 主.

        2. Zhuān 專 emphasises that one takes exclusive control, by whatever means.

        3. Shàn 擅 emphasises the improper arrogation of monopolised control.

        4. Cuàn 篡 suggests the violent arrogation of monopolised power.

      • COMBINE

        1. The current general word for combining or linking things, or joining a new unit into an old one is jiān 兼 (ant. fēn 分 "be divided").

        2. Hé 合 (ant. lí 離 "get separated off") is the combining of typically abstract items into a single whole.

        3. Lián 聯 and the Han equivalent lián 連 (all ant. jué 絕 "break relations with") refer to the establishing of links without the creation of a new unity.

        4. Huì 會 refers to the combination of separate units into a whole as in huì yì 會意 "complex characters where semantically significant elements retain their graphic significance".

        5 Bìng 並 refers to the lining things up and joining them together. See ANNEX.

        6. Zhuān 專 is occasionally used to refer to the combining or uniting of things. See CONCENTRATE

      • ARROGATE





        1. The current general word for arrogation of power is jiàn 僭.


        2. Nǐ 擬 refers to fraudulent and presumptuous assumption of the powers of a ruler.

        [OCCASIONAL]; [RARE]

        3. Shàn 擅 refers to unlicenced wilful assumption of powers of decision which do not belong to one.


        4. Qīn 侵 refers to an often violent infringement of other's rights (and territories, see ATTACK).


        5. Líng 陵 refers to serious encroachment of others' rights or authority.


        6. Yú 踰, and yuè 越 refer to presumptuous or arrogant infringement of others' rights or authority.


        7. Zhuān 專 (ant. fēn 分 "distribute properly") refers to the typically illegal monopolisation of power. For examples see MONOLOPOLISE


        Word relations
      • Object: (MONOPOLISE)權/POWER Quán 權 refers to one's political leverage or one's formal position of power.
      • Object: (MONOPOLISE)法/LAW The current general word for a law, a legal system or any legal provision of any kind is fǎ 法.
      • Epithet: (MONOPOLISE)制/CONTROL The most current general word in this group is zhì 制 (ant. zòng 縱 "give free rein to"), which refers to all kinds of control, political, physical, as well as psychological.
      • Epithet: (MONOPOLISE)獨/ALONE Dú 獨 (ant. ǒu 偶 "as a pair") usually has no nuances of loneliness, but can sometimes come to connote an intense feeling of personal uniqueness. (LAO) [GENERAL], [NEGATIVE!]
      • Assoc: (CONCENTRATE)/
      • Assoc: (CONCENTRATE)一/CONCENTRATE Yī 一 and yī 壹 emphasise the uniqueness of what is being concentrated on.
      • Assoc: (COMBINE)一/UNITE The standard word for the unification of what is disunited is yī 一 (ant. fēn 分 "divide").
      • Assoc: (ONLY)任/RELY ON Rén 任 typically refers to reliance on someone inferior in the context of public administration.