Taxonomy of meanings for 寄:  

  • 寄 jì (OC: krals MC: kɯiɛ) 居義切 去 廣韻:【寄附説文託也居義切三 】
    • DWELL
      • vadVtemporarily; (live) for a time
      • vt+prep+Ndwell in 寄生於
      • vtoNseek lodging with for a time, find security for a time with; stay with for a time
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2figurativecause N1 to find repose in N2CH
      • abstract: dwell on in thought>THINK
        • generalised>BE IN
          • vtoNspend a little time in
          • get permission to control and be in>>BORROW
            • causative>PUT
              • vtoNput (something, in a place) for a certain time??
              • vttoN1.(+prep+N2)metaphoricalattach (feelings etc.) N1 to the contextually determinate thing N2DS
              • vtt[oN1.]+N2metaphoricalattach feelings etc. to N2DS
              • figurative: in the care of someone>ENTRUST
                • vtt(oN1.)+N2entrust (someone) to someone unspecified
                • vttoN1.+N2entrust (something N2) to (someone/something N1)
                • vttoN1.+prep+N2entrust (something considered valuable N1) to (someone or something N2)  寄x於y
                • vttoN1(.+prep+N2)entrust something to a contextually determinate place or person
                • +vttoN1.+prep+N2figurativechoose the literary effect N2 for N1CH
              • reflexive: entrust oneself to>RELY ON
                • vt+prep+Nentrust oneself to, depend on;
                • vt+V[0]rely on V-ing
                • vttoN1.+prep+N2rely temporarily on N1 from N2
              • outside confinement>RELEASE
                • in the hands of someone else>GIVE
                    • at a distance>SEND
                      • vttoN1.+N2send N2 to N1
                      • figurative: into a new language; exocentric: official agent>TRANSLATE
                        • v[adN]those who transmit a message in another language > interpreter (in the Eastern regions)
            • =暨

            Additional information about 寄

            說文解字: 【寄】,託也。从宀、奇聲。 【居義切】

            • PUT

              1. The most general word for placing something in a certain location, either abstract (like a political position) or concrete spatial, is zhì 置.

              2. Zhì 寘 is limited to the concrete placing of a physical object in a place.

              3. Shè 設 refers to the setting up of something (typically something large or substantial) permanent(ly) in a location.

              4. Jì 寄 refers to putting something in a certain place for a certain time only.

              5. Zhuó 著, rare in pre-Buddhist texts, refers to the placing of an object permanently or temporarily in a certain position.

            • ENTRUST

              1. The currrent standard word for entrusting something to someone else's care is tuō 託 any limited or unlimited period of time.

              2. Jì 寄 focusses on the transferring of responsibility for something to someone else, typically for a limited period of time.

              3. Zhǔ 屬 is cause something to belong under someone else, often with no time limit.

            • DWELL

              1. The current general words for dwelling in a place for some considerable time are jū 居 and chǔ 處 (all ant. xíng 行 "travel").

              2. Shè 舍 and sù 宿 refer to spending the night in a certain place.

              3. Guǎn 館 refers to spending the night in a visitor's hostel (which is China's ancient answer to a hotel).

              4. Qī 棲 refers to a temporary or non-voluntary stay of any length, typically of an informal kind. See ROOST

              5. Xìn 信 is sometimes used as a technical term for staying in a place for two nights.

              6. Cì 次 is sometimes used as a technical term for spending more than two days in a certain place.

              7. Jì 寄 and yù 寓 refer to staying in some place for a strictly limited space of time.

              8. Jùn 軍 refers specifically to an army encamping in a certain place for a limited time.

              NB: Zhù 住 is post-Buddhist (SIX DYNASTIES)

            • RELY ON

              1. The general term for relying on something with confidence is yīn 因.

              2. Yī 依 refers to dependence and reliance on something which may be deliberate or non-deliberate.

              3. Běn 本 refers to an abstract often almost metaphysical or logical dependence on something.

              4. Dài 待 refers to logical dependence on something

              5. Rén 任 typically refers to reliance on someone inferior in the context of public administration.

              6. Yǎng 仰 typically refers to hopeful reliance on a superior.

              7. Chéng 乘 refers to manifest deliberate reliance on some external condition for the furthering of one's own plans.

              8. Jiè 藉 / 借 and jiǎ 假 refer to availing oneself of conveniently available outside things for one's own purposes.

              9. Jì 寄 and tuō 託 refer to entrusting oneself to others and thus relying on them.

              10. Shì 恃 and the rare hù 怙 refer to reliance on a typically hidden basic resource or factor.

              Word relations
            • Assoc: (ENTRUST)託/ENTRUST The currrent standard word for entrusting something to someone else's care is tuō 託 any limited or unlimited period of time.