Taxonomy of meanings for 呼:  

  • 呼 hū (OC: qhaa MC: huo) 荒烏切 平 廣韻:【喚也説文曰外息也又姓列仙傳有仙人呼子先又虜複姓二氏前趙録匈奴貴姓有呼延氏後漢書匈奴四姓有呼衍氏荒烏切又火故切十七 】
      • viactbreathe out
      • loud while asleep> SNORT
        • so as to articulate loudly>SHOUT
          • nabactan act of shouting
          • vadNcalling; calling out
          • viactcall out, shout
          • vt.+VtoSshout 呼曰
          • vtoNshout out aloud addressing someone, call out to
          • vt+prep+Nshout addressing oneself to
          • specific>NAME
            • vtoNcopulabe called (something), have the appellation N
          • of birds>SING
            • aloud>READ
              • so as to issue order>COMMAND
                • vtt(oN.)+V[0]command the contextually determinate N to V
                • vttoN.+V[0]omarchaic: call upon (someone) (to do something)
                • vttoN.+V[0]command N to V
                • order to come>SUMMON
                  • vtoNYILI: call to come
        • grammaticalised>EXCLAMATORY PARTICLE
          • PPalas!; ah!
          • grammaticalised>ALAS
            • grammaticalised> (high speed) ONOMATOPOEIC
        • 呼 xiao1《集韻》虛交切,平肴曉。
          • =詨
        • 呼 ** xu1《經典釋文》音虛。
          • =吁
        • 呼 he4《集韻》許箇切,去箇曉。歌部
        • PRAISE
          • vtoNpraise loudly (also figuratively)LZ

        Additional information about 呼

        說文解字: 【呼】,外息也。 〔小徐本無「也」。〕 从口、乎聲。 【荒烏切】

        • SHOUT

          1. The dominant current word for shouting (and thus using a large amount of breath) is hū 呼 (ant.* niè rú 囁嚅 "whisper").

          2. Hè 喝 is demonstrative shouting typically construed as an expression of anger or occasionally of applause.

          3. Háo 號 refers specifically to shouting as an expression of grief or as part of a public announcement.

          4. Jiào 叫 is to call out aloud, and the word applies both to human and animal subjects.

          NB: Huàn 喚 and hǎn 喊 are post-Han.

        • ALAS





          1. Wū hū 嗚呼 / 於乎 / 於呼 expresses an emphatic complaint. Note that there is is specially large number of graphic variants used to write this word.


          2. A1i zāi 哀哉 adds to the complaint the judgment that something is indeed sad.


        • BREATHE

          1. The current standard words for breathing are xí 息 "breathe" and hū xī 呼吸 "breathe out and in", and the latter word refers also more generally to taking in things liquids through the mouth, ant. tǔ 吐 "spit out".

          2. Chuī 吹 refers to the blowing out of breath either as part of heavy breathing or e.g. in the playing of music. See BLOW.

          3. Chuǎn 喘 refers to heavy panting, including breathing in and out, especially on the occasion of exhaustion or ill health. See PANT.

          4. Xī 吸 refers specifically to breathing in.

          5. Pèn 噴 refers to the breathing out of air including the concurrent spitting out of liquids or indeed food in the mouth, proverbially rice.

          6. Xū 噓 refers to breathing lightly, in and out, without making any noise, but the focus is often on the breathing out rather than in.

          7. Kuì 喟 refers to the breathing out heavily and noisily, in the manner of an intense and demonstrative sigh. See SIGH.

          8. Xǔ 煦 is to breathe (typically warm) air on something, but the word is much more common in the meaning "to shout".

          9. Hū 呼 occasionally refers to the breathing out of air, also including certain light liquids, but the word standardly focusses on the considerable noise being produced on this occasion. See SHOUT.

          NB: that most words for breathing refer primarily to breathing through the mouth and not through the nose.

        • SUMMON

          1. The standard current word for summoning anyone anywhere is zhào 召.

          2. Cháo 朝 is used to refer to the calling someone to a court.

          3. Hū 呼 is a very informal word for calling someone to make him come.

          Word relations
        • Contrast: (SUMMON)召/SUMMON The standard current word for summoning anyone anywhere is zhào 召.
        • Contrast: (SHOUT)嚎號 / 號/SHOUT Háo 號 refers specifically to shouting as an expression of grief or as part of a public announcement.
        • Assoc: (SHOUT)鳴/SING Míng 鳴 refers to the singing of non-human agents.
        • Assoc: (SHOUT)呴/ROAR
        • Assoc: (SHOUT)嚎號 / 號/SHOUT Háo 號 refers specifically to shouting as an expression of grief or as part of a public announcement.
        • Oppos: (BREATHE)吸/BREATHE Xī 吸 refers specifically to breathing in.