Taxonomy of meanings for 塵:  

  • 塵 chén (OC: din MC: ɖɯin) 直珍切 平 廣韻:【説文本作𪋻鹿行揚土也 】
    • DUST
      • nabfigurativedust > defilement, impurity
      • ncc(particle of) dust (can be counted!)
      • nmdust; sand; (also abstractly in a transferred sense: defilement)
      • nmadNfigurativedust-like > trivial
      • feature>DIRTY
        • vtoNreflexive.自cause (oneself) to be dirty
        • vibe dusty
        • nmadNmade of dust/dirt
        • figurative, philosophical>WORLD
          • nmthe dust of this worldCH
          • representative part of this dirty world>DISASTER
          • abstract>VULGAR
            • feature: remaining>ENDURING
              • grammaticalised: self-deprecatory, "my dirty">EGO
              • abstract feature>MANY
                • nmadNfigurativeas many as specks of dust > numberless

            Additional information about 塵


            • CURTAIN

              1. Wéi 帷 refers to any decorative curtain hung around openings like windows or doors, but the term can also be used to refer to low curtain hung close to the floor.

              2. Mù 幕 refers to a curtain suspended from above as a kind curtain-roof, but reaching down to the ground. See TENT

              3. Wò 幄 refers to a tent-like structure built up within a building. See TENT

              4. Yì 帟, an exceedingly rare word, refers to a roof-like flat baldachin used within buildings to guard against dust and dirt that keeps falling off the ceiling.

              5. Màn 幔 refers to a largish piece of cloth used to cover anything in the house.

              6. Chéng chén 承塵 refers to dust-protector hung above a seat to prevent dust from the ceiling falling on person seated below.

              7. The general term for any material used as a curtain of any sort is zhàng 帳, and the word became current in Han times.

              8. Lián 簾 refers to a bamboo curtain or screen, typically used in doors to prevent draft, and the word is still rare in Han times.

            • DUST

              1. Chén 塵 is the general word for dry dust.

              2. Āi 埃 refers primarily to to light dry quality of dust, and then generally dust, but the word is rarely used by itself.

              3. Gòu 垢 is the general word for dust when it regarded as dirty. See DIRT

              Word relations
            • Assoc: (DUST)埃/DUST Āi 埃 refers primarily to to light dry quality of dust, and then generally dust, but the word is rarely used by itself.
            • Assoc: (DUST)埃/DUST Āi 埃 refers primarily to to light dry quality of dust, and then generally dust, but the word is rarely used by itself.
            • Assoc: (DUST)穢/DIRTY Huì 穢 can refer to physical dirt, but the word is also used abstractly to refer to what is vulgar and morally distasteful.
            • Assoc: (DUST)垢/DUST Gòu 垢 is the general word for dust when it regarded as dirty. See DIRT