Taxonomy of meanings for 誕:  

  • 誕 dàn (OC: laanʔ MC: dɑn) 徒旱切 上 廣韻:【大也育也欺也信也 】
    • ABSURD
      • vadNabsurd
    • BIRTH
      • nabbirth, the process of giving birth
      • viprocessbe born
    • BOAST
      • nabactboastfulness
      • v[adN]nonreferentialthe boastful, those given to exaggeration
      • viactbe unreasonably boastful and fraudulent
    • LIE
      • viacttell lies; XUN 2: (boast and thereby) deceive
      • nabacttelling lies in order to boastLZ
    • BIG
      • LEWD
        • PARTICLES
        • TRUST
        • dànCHEAT
          • v[adN]the fraudsCH

        Additional information about 誕

        說文解字: 【誕】,詞誕也。从言、延聲。 【徒旱切】 【𧥡】,籒文誕省𠂛。

        • LIE

          1. The are no very current words for lying in pre-Buddhist Chinese. Dàn 誕 "lie" and huǎng 謊 "lie" are both rare.

        • BOAST






          1. The commonest general word is probably jīn 矜 which refers to any degree of grandiloquence or bragging.

          [GENERAL], [VERBAL]

          2. Fá 伐 is an extreme form of bragging that clearly arouses negative reactions.


          3. Shī 施 is to show off, typically also through actions.

          [EPISODIC], [PRACTICAL!]

          4. Kuā 誇 refers to acts of grandiloquence not exclusively concerned with oneself. See EXAGGERATE.

          [EPISODIC], [VERBAL]

          5. Dàn 誕 tends to refer to boastfulness not as a concrete episode, but as a permanent feature of a person given to fraudulent self-aggrandising exaggeration.

          [LASTING], [VERBAL]

        • ABSURD

          1. The current word for contradictory absurdity is bèi 悖.

          2. Huāng 荒 focusses on the confusion more than the contradictoriness.

          3. Dàn 誕 focusses on the loquaciousness of absurd discourse.

          4. Guāi miù 乖謬 focusses on the misguidedness which is the result of incoherence.

        • CHEAT

          1. The standard common word for cheating is qī 欺 (ant. chéng 誠 ) and it refers to any deliberate act of deception, self-interested or not, even occasionally self-deception.

          2. Zhà 詐 (ant. què 愨 "honest") is a fraudulent act of cheating designed to harm the interests of others.

          3. Wěi 偽 (ant. zhēn 真 "true, unfaked") is dissumulation and pretense, not necessarily with an intent to harm others.

          4. Guǐ 詭 and jué 譎 (all ant. zhèng 正 "straight and not deceitful") are dishonesty with an intent to deceive and harm others.

          5. Wū 誣 is to deliberately mislead someone through lying.

          6. Dàn 誕 is to deceive through boastful exaggeration. See EXAGGERATE

          7. Mán 謾 refers primarily to the speaking without being serious about what one says.

          NB: There is an extraordinary wealth of rare vocabulary of possibly colloquial origin within this field.