Taxonomy of meanings for 飲:  

  • yǐn (OC: qrɯmʔ MC: ʔɯim) 於錦切 上 廣韻:【同㱃 】
  • yǐn (OC: qrɯmʔ MC: ʔɯim) 於錦切 上 廣韻:【説文曰歠也於錦切三 】
    • nabactdrinking
    • nmbeverage, drinkable liquid
    • vadNdesigned for drinking
    • viactpropose a toast [CHANGE SYNONYM GROUP TO "GREET, SALUTE"]
    • vt(oN)drink the contextually determinate Nm; drink from Nm
    • vt[oN]drink alcohol
    • vt+prep+Ndrink from
    • vtoNdrink; drink from
    • vtoNcausativeserve wine to a contextually determinate person
    • vtoNfigurative(figuratively) drink> be exposed to 飲恨
    • vt(oNm)drink the Nm (e.g. not: drink wine, but: drink the wine in question)CH
    • vt[oN]inchoativestart to drink wineDS
    • vtoNcausativepassive or middle voice: be drunk toCH
    • metaphorical> ENDURE
      • vtoNput up with without reacting as one naturally might, "swallow back"
      • intensitive> SUFFER
        • vtoNsuffer the impact of (an arrow etc)
    • occasion for drinking> FEAST
      • nabactarrangements for consuming alcoholic beverages; drinking bout; feast where alcohol is served
      • viactdrink wine in social company as a formal arrangement, attend a wine-drinking occasion
      • npost-NN=timefeast characterised by NDS
    • yǐn CONCEAL
      • vtoNHANSHU: hide 不伐其能 飲其德
  • yìn (OC: qrɯms MC: ʔɯim) 於禁切 去 廣韻:【又於錦切 】
  • derivation by tone change: causative> yìn FEED
    • nabactthe giving someone something (poisonous) to drink
    • vt(oN)offer drinks to the contextually determinate N
    • vtoNgive something to drink (also to horses and dragons)
    • vtoNreflexive.自give (oneself) something to drink
    • vttoN1+.vtoN2give N1 the liquid N2 to drink
    • vttoN1(.+N2)N1=recipientgive somebody to drink (typically wine)DS
    • vtt(oN1.)(+N2)ditransitive verb with contextually determinate direct and indirect objectsCH
    • vttoN1(.+N2):+prep+N3give N1 to drink the contextually determinate liquid N2 from N3DS
    • festive> INVITE
      • vttoN1.+N2飲鄉人酒"gave the villagers wine to drink": give (somene N1) (something N2) drink, invite (someone N1) formally to drink (something N2); give a drinking party for
  • yǐnLIQUOR
    • nmalcoholic beverage, beer(!)

Additional information about 飲


  • FEED

    1. The current general word is sì 食 / 飼 which refers to any action of feeding, and the action of given someone something to drink is yìn 飲.

    2. Yù 飫 is to provide abundant food or even to regale guests.

    3. Xiǎng 享 / 饗 is typically to offer food for the enjoyment and appreciation of the spirits, and very often also for guests. See FEAST.

    4. Xiǎng 餉 is to serve someone a good meal for enjoyment, as a ritual sign of respect.

    5. Cān 餐 is to treat someone to a regular meal, hú 餬 is sometimes used to feed others with a very simple meal.

    6. Shàn 膳 refers to serving an excellent meal to somebody.

    7. Huàn 豢 is specifically to feed grain to pigs.

    8. Mò 秣 is specifically to feed horses with grain.

    9. Bǔ 哺 is specifically to feed babies.

    10. Tuī 摧 refers to giving fodder to animals.

    11. Yè 饁 is to carry food out for informal consumption by people working in the open air.

    12. Wèi 喂 / 餵 refers to feeding animals.


    1. The dominant word for imbibing any liquid, alcoholic or non-alcoholic is yǐn 飲.

    2. Shāng 觴 "to poculate, to drink on formal occasions" is a highly formal word referring always to the festive consumption of alcohol.

    3. Jiào 釂 is a very rare formal word for drinking alcohol.

    4. Chuò 啜 refers to slurping noisily and with gastronomic appreciation..

    5. Xī 吸 refers to quiet sipping of any liquids.

    6. Shòu 壽 refers specifically to drinking the health of an honoured person in his presence, and this involves consumption of alcohol.

    7. Chuò 歠 is a poetic word for drinking alcohol.


    1. The current general term for a feast is yàn 宴 / 燕.

    2. Jiǔ 酒 and yǐn 飲 both refer to a drinking party where alcohol is served.

    3. Xiǎng 餉 / 饗 / 饟 refers to an elaborate festive repast.

    NB: Yán 筵 and xí 席 are post-Han words for a feast.

    Word relations
  • Assoc: (DRINK)食/EAT The general word is shí 食 which refers to any form of taking in food, but the word is probably primarily a noun meaning "food". Cf. 飯疏食 "dine on coarse food".
  • Relat: (DRINK)酒/LIQUOR
  • Oppos: (DRINK)膳/DELICACY Shàn 膳, yáo 肴/餚/殽, zhēn 珍, wèi 味, xiū 饈/羞 all refer generally to delicacies.
  • Oppos: (DRINK)食/FOOD The general term for food is shí 食 and this includes food as well as drink and can refer generally to one's livelihood, also to staple foods as opposed to delicacies involving meat, such as kuài 膾 "minced meat, raw".
  • Oppos: (DRINK)飯/EAT Fàn 飯 is to dine on some basic foodstuff, and the word is secondarily a noun meaning "foodstuff, staple food".