Taxonomy of meanings for 魚:  

  • yú (OC: ŋɡla MC: ŋiɔ) 語居切 平 廣韻:【説文曰水蟲也亦姓出馮翊風俗通云宋公子魚賢而有謀以字爲族又漢複姓二氏左傳晉有長魚矯史記有修魚氏語居切十 】
    • FISH
      • nfish
      • nadNfish-like
      • n{pred}be a fishCH
      • nmadNfish-laden, laden with fish, full-of-fish-CH
      • ndefinitea certain fishCH
    • =漁:action> FISHING
      • =余?> EGO
        • nproI
      • proper names> STATES

        Additional information about 魚



          1. The generic term for animals living in water is yú biē 魚鱉, and one suspects that this term does NOT apply to fish and sea turtles only.

          2. Zhì 蛭 is a leech.

          3. Luó 螺 is a spiral shell.

          4. Xiè 蟹 is a crab living in lakes and rivers.

          5. Shuǐ chóng 水虫 is another general term for aquatic anials. It ussuallz refers to the large or dangerous animals.

          6. A general term for aquatic animals is shuǐ zú 水族.

          7. Yú 魚 is the general word for a fish, and the word is also used as a technical term referring generally to aquatic animals.

          8. Gé 蛤 refers to a clam of a round shape.

          9. Bàng 蚌 is an oval shell.

          10. Chóng 虫 is a general term for aquatic animals, and it can specifically refer to a fish.

          11. È 鱷 refers to a crocodile.

        • EYE

          1. The general word for the eye, including the area around the eye is mù 目 (thus when one shāng mù 傷目 what is injured is not necessarily the eyeball itself). (This is a very flexible word which also has verbal uses. For which see SEE.)

          2. Yǎn 眼 is a colloquial word for the eye (particularly the eyeball, as in yú yǎn 魚眼, never yú mù 魚目 in this sense) which became current in Warring States times. See EYE PARTS.

          NB: Jīng 睛 is extremely rare in pre-Buddhist Chinese, and the word refers not so much to the eye as a whole but to the eyeball specifically.

        • FISH

          1. The common general term for a fish is yú 魚.

          2. Lín 鱗 can be also used as a general term for a fish, because the body of a fish is covered with scales (lín 鱗 ).

          3. Xiān 鮮 is a fairly rare general term for a fish.

          4. Jīng 鯨 (traditional reading qíng) refers to a whale. See FISHES

          5. Shā 鯊 refers to a shark.

          6. Guān 鰥 is the kind of a very large fish living in rivers and lakes. It has a long and narrow mouth and moves alone.

        • BATTLE ARRAY



          1. The general term for a battle array is zhèn 陣.

          [GENERAL], [NOUN!]

          2. Chén 陳 refers to the making of a battle array.

          [GENERAL], [VERB!]

          3. Yàn háng 鴈行/雁行 "alignment of troops at the front of the battle line".


          4. Yú lí 魚麗 refers to a famous way of arranging the totality of one's military forces in Spring and Autumn times. ZUO Huan 5.


          Word relations
        • Assoc: (FISH)鱉/TURTLE Biē 鱉 refers to the ordinary soft-shelled turtle with a legendary biting power, a culinary delicacy.
        • Oppos: (FISH)獸/BEAST Shòu 獸 tends to refer to dangerous mammals above a certain size that are typically imagined as running (zǒu shòu 走獸), and sometimes as liable to bite.