Taxonomy of meanings for 餘:  

  • yú (OC: la MC: jiɔ) 以諸切 平 廣韻:【殘也䞉也皆也饒也又姓晉有餘頠又漢複姓三氏晉卿韓宣子之後有名餘子者奔於齊號韓餘氏又傅餘氏本自傅説説旣爲相其後有留於傅巖者因號傅餘氏秦亂自清河入吴漢興還本郡餘不還者曰傅氏今吴郡有之風俗通云呉公子夫[扌旣]奔楚其子在國以夫餘爲氏今百濟王夫餘氏也 】
      • nabmathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
      • nmthe rest, the remainder; surplus
      • vadNremaining; left over, superfluous; more than; surplus, extra
      • vadNpositivemore than hoped for
      • vpostadV.adN-odd (with numbers)
      • vpost-V{NUM}.adNexceeding/more than so-and-so many
      • vtoNhave a surplus of
      • vpost-V{NUM}(.adN)more than NCH
      • abstract> OTHER
        • npost-Nothers, other things
        • npro.adNanother person's
        • nproad.N(+prep+N1)other, another; another kind of
      • salient feature> ABUNDANT
        • viabound; be in abundance; be in superabundant abundant supply
        • nabfeaturesuperabunance 求餘 "seek superabundance"
    • salient feature> UNIMPORTANT
      • v[adN]N=mattersunimportant matters; superfluous matters; nugatory matters
      • vadNmarginal, non-essential; inconsequential; nugatory
      • vtoNputativeregard as superfluous and unimportant
      • natural reaction> DISCARD
        • vtoNdiscard as unimportant to one HNZ: 餘天下而不貪,委萬物而不利
      • consequent state> REMAIN
        • vadNremaining, lingering, festering
        • specifically among generations> DESCENDANT
          • npost-Nsurviving descendants of N
          • grammaticalised> AFTER
            • npost-Nthe time after N; afterwards
        • process> LIVE
          • vadNsurviving
  • Yue dialect word> SALT
    • nmYue dialect, YUEJUESHU: salt

    Additional information about 餘

    說文解字: 【餘】,饒也。从食、余聲。 【以諸切】

    • OTHER

      1. The current general word for "other" is tuō 他 / 它.

      2. Yú 餘 refers specifically to the left-over items or the remaining items, sometimes in later texts also to different items.

      3. Yì 異 "different" can occasionally come close in meaning to "other".

      4. Gèng 更 is always used adnominally or adverbially and implies an action of changing items or - typically - an action of waiting until "another" item.

      5. Rén 人 refers indefinitelyh to other persons, in the singular (someone else) or in the plural (other people), but never as "the other person" or as "the other people".

      6. Wù 物 can occasionally come to refer to other things or creatures, sometimes even other people, in the singular or plural.

    • NEED

      1. The current general word for needing something is xū 須, and this word does not refer to a general need, but only to a need for a certain purpose.

      2. Bì 必 can refer to a logical or practical precondition for something.

      3. Jí 急 (ant.* yǒu yú 有餘 "have more than enough") refers to a desperate state which can be said to be a state where one is in need of help and supplies.

      4. Yòng 用 is sometimes used to refer not to the use of something but the need for it, especially in rhetorical questions.


      1. The current general word for left-overs or surplus is yú 餘 (ant. quē 缺 "in insufficient supply").

      2. Duō 多 (ant. shǎo 少 "in poor supply") emphasises sheer quantity.

      3. Bǔ 補 (ant. quē 闕 "causing shortage") focusses on something being extra and fulfilling a supplementary function.

      4. Xiàn 羨 is occasionally used to refer to agricultural or other surplus.

      Word relations